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  1. H

    Improvement Journal

    Dj journal Had an approach the other day Me: Hey Girls: hey Me: what are you up too. Girl: why are just heading home. Me: home is where the food is and also the be Girl: yah that's true Me: where you living at? Her: oh I live in the south Me: sounds cool Me:( I...
  2. H

    Where Am I with this chick?

    Aight so I seen that girl again, yall told me to next her. I seen her out on the street and invited her out to my martial arts class which I was going to anyways, I figured I want the class to grow and a chance to make other girls compete for my attention. So she stayed and watched me work out...
  3. H

    Improvement Journal

    I have become aware of something in regards to myself. I notice sometimes when asking for the number, I would expect to get rejected and my facial expression would change to sad one. I think this is from past conditioning. So right now I am focused a lot on keeping my emotions extremely positive...
  4. H

    I'm a loser. (long read, but please help)

    People Mentioned it already but repetition is the mother of learning. Exercise, join a gym or a sport you enjoy and release those endorphins also a chance to make friends. Take whatever job you can find right now keep the money coming in and part time work for yourself man your graphic designer...
  5. H

    Improvement Journal

    I told her how i Love Asian food, And how I eat everything in front of me. She hot but she told me she has a boyfriend. Some times my mind thinks that you need a huge house and a car and everything all set before you can bring women into your life and anyone who tells you otherwise is just...
  6. H

    Where Am I with this chick?

    I respect what ya'll said, And I put it into action, stop the emailing her. So after a couple days she comes and sees me at work(wearing some stuff i told her i like). I was going to straight up ignore her but i didn't have the heart too. So I think nothing of it, as far as I'm concerned she...
  7. H

    Where Am I with this chick?

    Ok cool, if she emails me i'll just ignore her. Yah it's true I should have kept escalating with the second date. I am much more confident now with the kiss test and close. Time is precious their is no point in wasting anymore of my thoughts if she is not responding in the right way...
  8. H

    Where Am I with this chick?

    Here is the Story Went on two dates with this girl, first date went well overall tried to kiss close but she pulled back. We have a lot in common. Second date was confident with interacting but didn't go for kiss close. Dates were like two months ago. Ive asked her out some more times over...
  9. H

    Work Ethic In The Game

    Start a journal, Don't worry about results right now. Think of the field as your training ground to get better. Also add more social circles so you have girls that you game on a regular. have fun when your approaching. Face whatever your afraid of to do. Close hard.
  10. H

    Improvement Journal

    Seen this girl that i approached before. At the bus stop. Me: hey how you doing Her: good and you? Me: well, yah I just got back from ball it was fun. Her: you tired Me: no I don't get tired I can go forever, Me: yah ball is fun, you get good through repetition you muscle have...
  11. H

    Improvement Journal

    Yah Man I hear you, I can have more fun with it. It is much more enjoyable when your joking around and busting on them and also less like you want something from them. Most of my approaches lately girl have not been giving me the time of day. For the next ones that I do I'm going to try and...
  12. H

    Improvement Journal

    Me: hey your really attractive I thought I would come over and introduce myself. Her: oh thank you. Me: I'm Highrez Her: I'm drebra Me: hey where you from. Her: brazil Me: oh cool, Como vai Her: tudo bem Me: that's funny that your from brazil, I was thinking about the...
  13. H

    How do I become a natural?

    Becoming natural is defiantly possible, I think you should start your own approach journal. Whatever you focus on expands so if your constantly write in your journal it will expand your interactions. I think as well have regular social groups that you meet up with. It easier to pull girls...
  14. H

    Improvement Journal

    Me: hey your very attractive and I wanted to say something to you because I know i would feel a certain way. Her: thanks you Me: yah it's a beautiful day, very hot. Her: yes it is. Me: me personally I like it like this, when its hot you can do more, go outside and play sports. Me...
  15. H

    Improvement Journal

    Me: hey your really attractive and I wanted to conversate with you for a bit. Me: That an interesting tatoo what does that say. Her: Infinite Me: Cool, like infinite possibilities. It's cool that you can express your self like that. I'm the same way, that's how it should be just express...
  16. H

    Most guys aren't horny enough

    Yah I'm not down for jacking off, I think that energy can be used for getting girls. I like the attitude of some guys, it is fun and exciting and I'm getting better everyday. I think this dude in my house is trying to compete with me. I am going to destroy him.
  17. H

    Improvement Journal

    Journal Met a girl at bus stop, Me: hey your really attractive. Her: thank you! Me: what brings you out. Her: I'm going to meet a friend. Me: yah that's cool the weather is perfect for it. Her: it's so hot it's beautiful. Me: I love weather like this because you are more...
  18. H

    Improvement Journal

    Yah it's true I hear what your saying. Give them a chance to get comfortable before I try to invade them. Make sense because even though I'm getting more comfortable doing cold approaches, it's possible they haven't been approached by a stranger in a long time. keeping the conversation...
  19. H

    My Approach Journal

    Hey that's what I was told by someone who is a lot of knowledge in the game. Trust me. whats your reasoning?
  20. H

    What's the deal with this...............?

    So I just finished this date with this girl and the second time I tried to kiss close her. She tells me that's she has a boyfriend and it would be wrong. She told me she had a boyfriend before but I didn't believe her. Then her boyfriend calls, and she has me talk to him. So I tell him I'm...