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  1. J

    Quantum computing creates a world of possibilities but also one where nothing is secure.

    I am definetely not an expert on tech but you do not think an apple/google/amazon has the access to capital/tech /talent to develop the capabilities or incentives to defend their billion to trillion dollar networks? Or that governments and their agencies do not have the reach/funds/surveliance...
  2. J

    Quantum computing creates a world of possibilities but also one where nothing is secure.

    You can say the same thing about living in a cabin in the woods with precious metals. There has always been a boogeyman in the future that was supposed to bring everything down but the world kept moving forward. If you chose to isolate and protect you were left behind. We have seen several of...
  3. J

    Investing and stocks for dummies

    Most people who claim to be "investors" get their a$$ handed to them and probably lost money. The ones actually making money are not bragging about it on social media or selling courses/newsletters etc. There is really no rushing the process because a lot of it comes down to experiencing...
  4. J

    Investing and stocks for dummies

    If you are asking this question, I am assuming you have very limited/if any experience investing. Noting wrong with this, but be honest with yourself on your abilities. I would automate as much as possible because it take years to even start to be able to manage your emotions and have any sort...
  5. J

    A question for the Zoomers - how easy it to find a good job?

    So many variable on industry, age, skill set, location and relationships. Assuming you are talking about yourself, what is your bio on what i listed
  6. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Agree. My business, other investments and crypto make up vast majority. I have some commercial RE but nothing substantial. Trying to focus more on the income producing assets side but just being patient at this point and sitting in cash/tbills getting 5%+
  7. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Completely agree, I actually really enjoy learning about this stuff and applying it, sounds like you do too. Most people look at you like you have two heads when you talk about anything not mainstream/standard, bar is pretty low lol
  8. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Yep, find your niche, become an expert in it and keep banging it out. As your wealth grows spread it out some to minimize downside. If you can avoid materialism/lifestyle creep upgrade trap for 5-10yrs and heavily invest, you're set. I did something similar, never was really flashy so not that...
  9. J

    6 Red Flags I’ve Seen in Real Life Worth Considering

    From what I have seen, they have a crazy mother as well who was a massive ho who cheated and blew up all their relationships that the daughter saw growing up
  10. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    That is very impressive, especially by your age. Assuming 10m in RE is total value and not minus debt?
  11. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    That isn't really a part of the demo calculation, it is the replacement rate of the older population that is becoming non productive and a net negative on production/consumption. There are many variables but if you do not have that key metric you are basically cooked as a nation and will be on...
  12. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    This has been probably one of the most important metrics on civilizations rise and falls through history. Have no idea if tech, automation, AI etc has any meaningful impact. Believe of larger countries, only India has good demographics right now
  13. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    I completely agree with this point. Not sure the reason, maybe ego, where people feel they need to be an expert on everything as opposed to just saying I do not know enough about it to have a strong opinion. Personally, for someone to have the humility and self awareness to admit that adds a lot...
  14. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    That's funny, I already follow those guys. Imagine I am listening to the same investors you are too. To that point, I think how we self select the people we follow on social media and all the people interacting with them are pretty much on the same page. It seems like a lot larger percentage of...
  15. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Easy to forget most people think politicians & central banks are not corrupt or incompetent
  16. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Right, whoever has control of the money can basically run any size of hidden tax through monetary expansion on the citizens they want to some degree
  17. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    Right, we would of had multiple normal recessions the past few decades, cleared out the inefficncies and moved froward. Instead of manipulating the markets creating all sorts of perverse incentives creating dysfunctional govts, corps and individuals and growing the problems exponentially. My...
  18. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    There is no way to avoid recessions, expecially when society and technology is constantly changing an evolving. Will say, there is a lot of inefficines and waste do to politicians, banks and monetary policy though How does one "demand a competent government" and enact that. When has that...
  19. J

    What you should be doing to prepare for upcoming global economic depression.

    There is some truth to this and people have been claiming this is right on the cusp for decades. Personally never thought it would have been able to go on this long. However, there are a number of indicators that it is getting worse and historically these type of events have a lot of similar...
  20. J

    Does your car matter? Especially when you're close to your 30's?

    I was referring to the person starting the thread. If you are initially attracting someone with a high status car, 80k+, and that is important to them past early 20s. Most likely they will expect the lifestyle with that. When they realize you can not provide that, most likely they are not...