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  1. N

    Hosted chat this Wednesday - Read for specific details

    1) Go to 2) Download MIRC 3) Install MIRC 4) Run MIRC 5) type /server 6) Type /nick <yourname> 7) Type /join #donjuan
  2. N

    How do you guys record their phone number?

    I have to say, crazykid, that it is GENIOUS to have a girls number already on a card! I'm sure such a thing is the reason I had a good chance with several women in my past. Heh. Nick
  3. N

    Boot Camp Journal

    Hey Walden! You should have one big finale to the bootcamp! Like, one thing you aim to do that is big and when you do it, you've won! My idea would be to go somewhere you NEVER intend to go again and go nuts. Say hi to absolutely EVERYONE, kino EVERYONE, do absolutely anything. If the...
  4. N

    New to the Board(in boot camp)

    Yeah I read that "comeback" of yours. I'm taking you on in PM my friend, I'm not going to spoil journals.
  5. N

    Hosted chat this Wednesday - Read for specific details

    Hosted chat this Wednesday Come to chat on, channel #DonJuan, at this time: 4pm Pacific - 6pm Central - 7pm EST - 12am GMT One hour discussion on the following topics: Putting into action that which we read. Tips on finding new friends that are natural DJs...
  6. N

    New to the Board(in boot camp)

    Re: Desire me and Walden.... Gaso! You did it again! How could you do it TWICE, my boy? SIT! PLAY DEAD! And stop venting. Nick