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  1. N

    Download the Don Juan chat client now! (BETA)

    Client updated again, Version 5 now available at the same location. Fixes/features: * Translucency * MUCH better ops management * Capability to use your own registered nickname * Colour theme changed * I think the display of users in the channel form is now "correct" in...
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    Download the Don Juan chat client now! (BETA)

    New version uploaded. That's two in one day! * All names now have a forced prefix of DJ- * Word wrapping works quite well now, scrolling DOWNWARDS! * Better "scrolling" * Proper use of TOPICs * Clicking join will now automatically take you to #donjuan * Opped HotIce permanently at...
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    Download the Don Juan chat client now! (BETA)

    Hey guys, I've updated the client and fixed some errors, and added some features. The new client is placed at the exact same location as the old - * Nicer error messages in places * When people change names, that caused a problem for the...
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    Download the Don Juan chat client now! (BETA)

    Hey guys, There is a preliminary version of the don juan chat client out that handles most of the IRC protocol, except for kicks, modes...etc. It works, mostly. I want feedback on severe bugs and want to know what you want to see in the future. Do not assume this is, in any way, a...
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    DJ Chat on irc

    I am in the process of developing an IRC client to act and feel like MSN messenger. I may make a "donjuan" version that integrates well with the current don juan channel. Depending on demand, I can be coerced into finishing it sooner... Nick
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    To Allen

    Dear Allen, (...who probably has a super 100% effective, 0% pass-through spam filter...) If at all possible can you contact me on my personal address regarding the DJB and its future placement so that I can arrange its future. My username is Nicholas Hill My email address is my...
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    Rethinking the chatroom...

    The chat room is not dead. It still exists in its original form!
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    PDF bible

    The maker for the DJBC and WMS pdf documents is the same person who maintains the DJB. Be my guest and I'll upload it, or give me several hundred british pounds for time spent and I'll make it as well! Nick
  9. N

    DJ Chat on irc

    Hey guys Just to remind you: The official DJ chat channel is #donjuan on irc.starchat.netThe channel is moderated by several people with equivelent abilities.The channel is maintained in a no-nonsense fashion (no powermongering akick *'s for example) StarChat is reliable and unobstructed...
  10. N

    DJ Bible vs. DJ Boot Camp

    Heyjose25points, I suggest you read the "best of" the bible first, by picking the most interesting articles from each section and then slowly reading them. After you have done this, start and complete the Boot Camp. Nick
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    Boot Camp week 1 (Response thread)

    Hey guys. I am noticing one thing about this boot camp; People are responding mainly to the week one thread, and I occasionally see the second week thread being used. Not one person has made it to the end of the set of threads. Is this bad news? Yes. Is my saying so meant to discourage you...
  12. N

    Outrage! People trying to kiss my GF!

    Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I've been in our relationship for five months now, and I sometimes do get jealous (but ooh, you should see her when she notices girls approaching me!). Honestly, a few months back, she was about two months in with me and she was again on holiday. It was...
  13. N

    Outrage! People trying to kiss my GF!

    Hey guys, its been several months! My university life comes to a close and my girlfriend is currently on end-of-term holiday, much like me at the moment. My girlfriend just called me and was explaining how happy she was about being loyal to me, since she had just been walked home by an...
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  15. N

    Gunwitch method. THE way to get LAID.

    Added to the DJB. These days, very few articles make it in, but this is a longrunning and longstanding article that does the job. Seduction section. Nick
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    The DJ Bible is helter skelter -- plan for improvement!

    For the record, I DO eventually pick up on these posts! (Best way to make sure is to include the word "nicholas" somewhere in your post. I search for this every now and then). A bible revamp will take ages, but I have implemented an admin section on the bible (you may have noticed), however...
  17. N

    Leave your door open where you work, where you live

    Do you live in a room, or do you work in an office? I'm amazed but not really shocked (to be honest) about the effect of having your door hinged open while you're inside. In my student house, my housemates often come into my room for a chat. One of my Computer Science lecturers who is also my...
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    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    1) SPELL MY NAME CORRECTLY!! Or face death! Not sure what nationality you are but it seems ONLY AMERICANS make this mistake and far too often! 2) The article has no proof that the log came from the claimed date. Its just a chat log. Nick
  19. N

    John Titor: Fraud or Time Traveler?

    Guys, claims must be backed up with SOURCES to make a good argument. For example: John is likely to be wrong if there are no or very limited sources. Can anyone PROVE that the "articles" from him were ACTUALLY written at the time claimed? Were his claims really made at such and such a date or...
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    Allow use of adult language.

    I continuously get dissapointed by the severe lack of control you DJs have if you think it is necessary to swear, simply because you either can't or won't think up more socially acceptible sentences. DJs should exude intelligence, and be different from regular chumps.