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  1. M

    People (mostly women) are getting dumber
  2. M

    Lunch Date Today.. Need some tips asap

    I see low interest in her - she cancelled two times? all i can say is go to a not - so expensive place and have a nice chat make her laugh if possible
  3. M

    :) Briffault's Law

    This is my opinion folks A female will associate with you only if she has some kind of advantage from you. this applies in dating world and also in work place. In Work place it is also reffered as pair bonding, i too see it in my work place. In dating world you guys might have seen it many times.
  4. M

    Body Language

    have you read this book body language project - its a good book related to dating.
  5. M

    :) Briffault's Law

    Sorry if this topic is already posted. For those of you who haven't read this only his has been posted a few times, and comes up in comments a lot, but we've got a lot of new users here... BRIFFAULT’S LAW: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family...
  6. M

    Is this man a mangina?

    manginaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa of the yr
  7. M

    GF's best friend getting married
  8. M

    "Why George Clooney Proposed to Her"

    read some where in other forums that he might be contesting for elections and using this **** only for that purpose
  9. M

    Time for some advice, guys

    Run forrest run...
  10. M

    How come guys can't detect BPD qualities

    i had to stop by for a moment at a bpd chick profile on facebook and i was kind of surprised for few minutes by looking at the comments cute couple/nice couple..and that bs oh wait, let this beta chump get eaten alive by th bpd than its going to be fun
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    How come guys can't detect BPD qualities

    Even matured guys these days make me wonder.
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    Vegas Fling

    Long distance relatioships are a big no-no
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    GF's best friend getting married

    she could hit by a bus any time, than no man wants her ticking time **** you know that right
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    Experts on Human Mating - Interest Gauging

    good post buddy If you can find, get this book the body language project, it has many more points like above
  15. M

    Is it weird not to have any likes on facebook?

    there is a girl who met with a minor accident yesterday, she posted 10 pictures each hour and 10 status updates for attention. people are there wasting their time, don't worry about fb status and likes
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    Problems with Whiteknights/Mangina's etc etc

    Aware me on this phenomenon please
  17. M

    Problems with Whiteknights/Mangina's etc etc

    I know every one will come across white knights/mangina's/puzzy beggers each day in their lives. We know that we don't care a damn about this guys :yes: . The problem i see is, when one of these guys is a colleague or a boss of yours. You know for sure they will give more importance and...
  18. M

    single mom feeling down

    She is going to dump you soon and chase that alpha cawk pretty soon I guarantee it