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  1. N

    Be Politically incorrect!(Well str8 as well)

    well the fun jerk was myself. But I used to act as if I was on the job all the time(in the rare case I met a CEO),lol
  2. N

    Be Politically incorrect!(Well str8 as well)

    I found out that being politically incorrect lands me more numbers then being politically incorrect. The main reason cowboys got the ladies were because they were bad-ass, but in an urban setting, there is no real dangers besides thugs, which we do not fight(well I don't). So the next step...
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    lol, left to right, and use the sin and tan function for your arms and legs
  4. N

    Is this too manipulative

    lol, well the date was cancelled. Also it was at a famous pizza parlor.
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    Let Them Contact You?

    lol, I told a girl this yesterday,"Heres my number, call it and don't put it on your trophy case" She still hasn't called!lol. I afced by being overconfident and not getting her number. I do not know if females have 3 day rules, lol, b/c I do not think that girls call 1st.
  6. N

    What kind of woman are YOU attracted to?

    lol, it was only like 5/50 girls who I rated near very. totally bogus test!
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    DJ Boot Camp: IOS

    lol, GET THE CONFIDENCE! You have to get to the point in which you dont ask can I sit here, but just sit there and introduce yourself,lol
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    Mission: How to Get Girl Discreetly

    if shes into you enough, you can ask her for her number via facebook.
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    Is this too manipulative

    Okay, I wish i could make a poll for this. I personally think it was a good idea, however, you all are the DJs. I think I should have a more natural date, then one thats planned from a to b.
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    My First Produced Rap (Link + DJ impact)

    has potential, needs better voice quality and louder voice.
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    Is this too manipulative

    lmfao, I apologize for overthinking! lol
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    Is this too manipulative

    lol, Law & Order is not a corny film or TV show. The dude did not help the homeless vet to game, but because he knew what the vets experienced. lol. I just manipulate circumstances. lol, also, I planned on not completing my dinner anyway,lol.
  13. N

    Is this too manipulative

    lol, a doggie bag is a bag of the leftovers of dinner! lol. If anyone of you was watching Law & Order last Friday, a guy did this to a "Vet" who became homeless. I actually do want to help homeless people, as long as they help me back. No one in life is intentionally good,lol
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    Is this too manipulative

    Hi, I have a 1st date coming up soon. I have really thought this out. The date will involve some walking. On the date, I will "encounter" a homeless person and give them food that was stored in a "doggie-bag". After they gladly accept, or at least I hope: "I asked for a sandwich...
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    Coming To Terms With Yourself

    WTF? does this even mean. Shouldn't you be happy if chicks dig you for no reason?
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    Why I fear rejection after the approach (no one talks about this aspect!)

    Ya me and my group usually just point out hot chicks and play Rock,Paper Scissors to see who will be the 1st one to attempt to get her number or some "play"
  17. N

    Groups of dancing girls?

    lol, were you at the party with me yesterday? I mean literally I saw like 5 groups of dancing chicks and they all moved when a guy danced too near them. Were you at UoC yesterday? One girl usually doesnt like to dance with them and will invite you to get in the middle
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    Why I fear rejection after the approach (no one talks about this aspect!)

    this is the only thing I fear,"Them already being taken" Thats it, but I go for it anyway, but after I find out they're taken, I try to end the convo as soon as possible.
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    I feel like this is a trap question, how would you answer ?

    say that my old gf died in a car
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    Sofomore's College Journal

    so far sooo good man. Girl 2 and 3 seem to be your targets, girl 1=a bi$!k