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  1. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    im pretty sure her interest levels are high, when i asked for her number she went straight into her bag to get her phone out, no hesitation, she even seemed a little excited, dare i say, and by the time i had written her name into my phone, there she was shoving her phone into my face, with her...
  2. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    I understand that, but im wondering if i should call before she goes out and meets more guys that are going to be asking for her number. The benefits of waiting are that its going to set me apart from all the other guys that get her number, because they are all going to call the day after...
  3. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    there is a big night out on wednesday which she will probably be picking up guys at though, so i dont know if i should phone her before that or not.
  4. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    thats what i usually do, but it also usually goes wrong. i thought waiting 4 days was supposed to be the way to go.
  5. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    i cant believe after talking to her for about 2 mins i managed to number close successfully
  6. J

    I got a HB9's number, what next

    Holy ****, i cannot believe everything actually worked, the place we ended up going to only had about 200 people in it, and only about 10 were semi decent, i asked 2 girls, (yeah i know i said 25) but still, 2 is better than none, and the second girl was more than willing to give me her number...
  7. J

    Tonight im going out and will get 25 women

    closer to someone i want to spend time with. Im going to ask for 25 numbers, i dont care how many i get, the more rejections the better, in the search for the woman that is worthy of me. I might find her tonight, i might not. I am going to try everything ive been reading, and all...
  8. J

    I've a question about asking for this girl's number

    Yeah, i think you're probably right that her interest levels arent too high. She wouldnt have a home phone number, as we're in college and just started 2 weeks ago, she moved to london from some other city and the halls that we are staying in dont provide phone numbers. But i think im just...
  9. J

    I've a question about asking for this girl's number

    I realise that putting my finger to her lips and saying SHHHH, i probably wont remember you next time, would have been the perfect way to close the situation, but i didnt think that quickly.
  10. J

    I've a question about asking for this girl's number

    I met a really pretty girl, 8.5 i would say, we danced a little, then i walked away. an hour or so later i see her sitting on her own, so i go and talk to her, she seems fairly interested, asks me about my tattoos and stuff, asks what im studying, then tells me what she is studying, you know...
  11. J

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    I think attitude is going to be the best bet for me. What kind of attitude are they going to be looking for? just overly confident types?
  12. J

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    London Metropolitan University
  13. J

    Female profiles

  14. J

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    I cant believe ive been a member here for 4 years.
  15. J

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    I thought it would be a matter of simply getting drunk and getting laid, but it just doesnt seem that easy at all, the women dont seem as easy going and experimental as i thought college girls should be. Maybe because its still early in the year the girls are still a little shy. i dont...
  16. J

    Been in college for 2 weeks now and still nothing

    Ive been staying in university accomodation, which means 5 of us sharing this flat, inside a building that houses 400 students. Anyway, ive made friends with some cool people, 3 girls and 2 guys, which makes our little group 3 girls and 3 guys. One of the girls is pretty hot, the other 2...
  17. J

    Making Mistakes? It's ok!

    failure is the key to success
  18. J

    Girls signals, how many times have you guessed right.

    over the last couple of years ive gotten pretty good at reading signs. so quite a few
  19. J

    There is no True DJ here.

    this sure is a stupid thread. if you can achieve the results, and have the same mindset as someone you think is a dj, then surely you are one too. Thinking about how you used to be, doesnt take anything away from how you think now. Its not a weakness, if anything its a positive, you can...