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  1. B

    my earring!

    i had a problem similar to this problem. I've had an earlobe peircing since february, i didn't take out the earring for about a month. When I took it out, it would go through the front hole easy but it would be a little difficult to get it through the back hole. I managed to get it through...
  2. B

    NYC Meeting! NJ, NY, PA, CT, NYC June 3rd, 2006 Get in here!

    I might come. I'll let you guys know definately by tomorrow.
  3. B

    step your game up...

    means exactly what she told you.. step your game up. If you want her, show it. And show it like a man. Don't hesitate, don't be a wimp with it. Come at her correct. Confident. Smooth. And Smart.
  4. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    Yea, I guess so. I had already started thinking about it last night, one girl ain't worth so much trouble. I may have known her for a long a$$ time and still have feelings for her but I can't keep walking in darkness with this chick. This girl was my first crush, first kiss, first heartbreak...
  5. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    I do believe I'm an intriguing person, could I be more so? Definately. Yea, that would have been a nice addition to the moment. I need to start making that kind of responses second nature to me. I do it often but usually with girls i'm not trying to get with lol. I do it on girls I'm trying to...
  6. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    well, i decided I was going to go bowling today. And I know that I was supposed to be taking a break from her but my gut wanted to ask her to come along and also see if she was speaking to me. So I asked her and she was interested in going. all up until she heard how much each game costs and...
  7. B

    Going down on a girl have fun.
  8. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    yea... i guess i'll lay low for a few days. it's very unlikely for her to contact me though, she hasn't contacted me first yet. but i'll wait on her and see. And also start looking at other girls from now.
  9. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    I'll give her a week... who knows... could be 1 of those tests?
  10. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    Well what happened? Had a good convo with her earlier, found out more about her, etc... worked on the whole connection part. This convo was over the net tho. Ok, so tonight is the 3rd day since i've had her number so I called tonight to ask her out. I keep my number blocked whenever I call...
  11. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    I've noticed that. I guess that I would need a long a$$ post to get some good responses in this situation. but I'll go with the latter. This thread was not a waste though. It let me on to a few things that I didn't notice and I'm gonna or have started doing. For example, finding out what we...
  12. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    Imma try to raise her IL and build more of a connection with her and see what happens.
  13. B

    Talking about interest levels..

    heard hugging was a good way to get some kino going. it's not like I'm hanging on to her, it's a brief 2 second hug. Speaking about things in common, I don't even know right now. I believe thats one of the things that have been missing that we did have and talked a lot about in the past. It...