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  1. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Yeah, agreed. Even if it's on a level of an aquaintence, friendship, or OnlyFans girl. I actually felt happy at work yesterday based on a chat with an OF-girl I'm still talking to. When you feel like you can say anything, even if it's totally off the wall, and not be judged for being creepy...
  2. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Women do not care about my past whom I have interacted with or befriended recently. They just know I am alone. Nobody ask me about any history. But I do understand if you get a specific pattern then it can get to you.
  3. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Saying you don't kiss and tell with a wink should be good enough. There are also a number of people who have had a number of short term experiences but have no long term relationship. If you need to have been in a relationship for at least a year, that would disqualify allot of guys on here...
  4. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Abusive relationships, although sad, is a red herring argument.
  5. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    The issue is not about having or not having a woman in your life in my case. Like I said earlier in the thread, I'm not as starving as I was last month. I did hug a caregiver taking care of my mother a few different times and she was receptive to my hug and hugged me. I do have a nice female...
  6. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Sure, I went out there and you have the "Cringe Lunch and Social Experiment" thread where I got rejected and amogged buy the gay-Tyrone dude.
  7. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    I disagree. If you are starving and seeing other people are having a feast then I don't think that's jealousy. If you have something to eat and other people are eating better food, then that's more like jealousy. If you are starving, that type of stuff makes it feel worst. I disagree...
  8. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    It is not that "type" of depression though. It's more like something just hits you hard when you see a trigger and see that you don't have that in your life. You get out of it quickly as long as you make a connection with another woman paid/unpaid. If there was no women, or no guy next to...
  9. C

    Is male depression mostly linked to lack of female companionship?

    Yeah, but then that's why you have OnlyFans. I subbed an OF-girl when I felt that way and it helped get me out of a depression that month. I've also made a female friend at work and we have a nice connection with each other. I can't complain. I've also hugged my mother's caregiver who is a...
  10. C

    Books About Feminism--Worth Reading?

    That sounds anti seduction as a topic. You generally want to avoid heavy intellectual topics, especially if is against your own gender's interest. It takes people out of the mood.
  11. C

    Wanting to Date and Have Sex With a Friend's Sister

    I noticed @Desdinova has not weighed in on the topic. I'm going to chime in. Pursue the sister. You have no competition for her, she's a 9/10 and you already have chemistry. Your dad is an example of how you came into being. Sometimes you just don't know where your future wife will come...
  12. C

    Books About Feminism--Worth Reading?

    Why would you care about that since you are already successful with women?
  13. C

    Synagogue or Church Game

    You are Jewish, so just be yourself and have your friend who invited you introduce you to her and explain that you are Jewish and are visiting the place out. She will probably be interested in missionary-dating you to convert you if she is attracted to you like you are saying that she is. If a...
  14. C

    Two Legal Questions About Escorts

    Why would it matter if it is legal or not in the books. You should be more concerned about the culture of enforcement by jurisdiction and if its tolerated. They have crazy laws in the books from the last century. But yeah some states is legal.
  15. C

    Civil War 2024 (trailer)

    The reviews have come up on youtube. Just saw a video-review and it looks like a movie that's best suited for watching when its released on streaming. It doesn't fit my expectations. If anyone else watches the movie, please feel to post your experience about it. In the meantime, I think...
  16. C

    Does anyone have advice/experience on picking up cashiers?

    Sounds like it's for people who have advanced / tight game, not for people taking baby-steps. However, you can use it to practise talking to people in general. Generally just have some chit-chat with her. It will make you feel better that you are at least talking to beautiful women.
  17. C

    How to act with female friends?

    Just have a new friend at the office. She has a boyfriend and is 24 years old. She has been nice with me so far. I gained her friendship by reacting and spillihg my guts to her at how I felt jealous of her hugging another guy (she later disclosed was gay) and that guy hugging another lady in...
  18. C

    Where are these "other guys" meeting LTR material women--The Million dollar question we all have!

    That is your style and if that works for you then you do you. You have an 8 year girlfriend out of it. However, it requires that you subscribe to a certain ethics/morality that I don't think everyone is going to sign up for, especially for more inexperienced/newbies who are taking baby steps...