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  1. F

    It stays in my mind.. Serious feedback please

    Some side notes of other observations I made: She used ibuprofen to counter headache. She brought condoms to my place on b-day, never had girl bring condoms
  2. F

    It stays in my mind.. Serious feedback please

    Following event stays in my mind, strangely it lets me think that I ruined chance of having a relationship with this woman who i somehow liked. 1. Approached woman (29) end of octobr14 on street, had nice chat with her, gave her my number. 2. She asked me for coffee on whatsapp 3 days later on...
  3. F

    New to online dating - setting up dates

    I agree with Tenacity. Have been dating online myself now online for some months. And sended out a great variety of first contact messages. I note that the response differs a lot. When women tend to reply slow or come with a response that steers away from closing the deal; meeting up etc...
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    junior DJ still in bit distress, HELP!

    Thank you Die Hard. I really appreciate your advise. The problem is I thought a lot with my ****. I really need too toughen up. I just can't understand persons are so 'Evil'. I really lost trust in future relationships with women because of this event. It is indeed a deep emotional wound.
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    junior DJ still in bit distress, HELP!

    Dear Forum members, Two years ago I was for the last time on this forum. At the time read many articles and this helped me to get the DJ feel... But recently I have experienced the following in Germany which made me see now I am by far not a DJ and have to learn more: 1. Met girl on...
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    annoyed - some advice please

    She lives really far away. 500 miles and we are going to meet for 5 days and we will spend some time together in a hotel. So that shouldn't be bad.. But I indeed have to cut down drastically on all this calling
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    annoyed - some advice please

    Ok. The thing is or first talkings went very good on skype. In december I was quite heart broken. She had a similar experience so we where somehow having same thing wishing for non games in the relationship. During this last call she said: 'I shouldnt have mentioned the other guy' she said this...
  8. F

    annoyed - some advice please

    .I have been skyping with a girl for weeks now. The conversations go well and I might go visit her as she lives far away (we met online). Today she managed to annoy me by starting to tell about a guy who would come close to her town because of work for four days. Than this guy asked her to...