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  1. C

    ... Hb5 more beautiful than hb9..

    While this may have been true say 10 - 12 years ago, this really isn't the case at all today. You now have a rising number of 5's, 6's and 7's walking around like they're 9.5's. It's also safe to say that many average lookers are just as egotistical and ****ed up (perhaps even more so) as their...
  2. C

    ... Hb5 more beautiful than hb9..

    My first LTR ever was with an HB 8.5 and I got burned really bad after that one. This girl was so attractive she couldn't go under a 7 even if she had no makeup on, and her hair was all ****ed up in the morning. She was also thin and had an excellent, close to perfect ass to go along with the...
  3. C

    Woman runs over husband

    As Jay Leno said. At the very least he will be covered under Obama Care.
  4. C

    Been dumped, but she keeps contacting, why?

    This sounds like the kind of girls I get into LTR's with lol. No wonder why I'm all ****ed up. This ho did her part on getting you hooked like a heroin addict and allowed you to unleash your sleazy side on her. It's not your fault brother. On top of that it sounds like you really had a blast...
  5. C

    Women and doors: to open or not to open?

    Don't open **** for them. Let them hold their own ****ing doors opened.
  6. C

    LTR traveling to visit girlfriends, did not ask you to go

    If the OP needs to ask then chances are that his intuition is telling him that something about this particular woman's behavior is off. It's easier for everyone else (male and female) to explain it off as just a bad case of jealousy.
  7. C

    Don’t Be Externally Judgmental

    I don't know about that brother. You'll only make it harder for the next guy to find things out about her that he should probably know. Thanks for putting some quality stuff up muscleman!
  8. C

    LTR traveling to visit girlfriends, did not ask you to go

    Anything is possible. Would I immediately accuse her of anything without having any proof? No. Would I trust her in such a manner that I would immediately assume she would never do such a thing? Absolutely not. I learned a while back NEVER to trust a female and not just simply for the sake of...
  9. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    You can't reason with females. They don't understand the first thing about logic. In their tiny little brains they'll always believe themselves to be right no matter how wrong they are. Just let this thing die out already. It'll be painful to watch it go several pages more while giving this...
  10. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    Funny how you totally ignored and side stepped everything I had to say while rambling on and on about how special you think you are. You've done a poor job trying to convince others but it seems like the only person you can try to convince is yourself. Good luck with that.
  11. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    You got gamed. lol. Which is why your text is radiating with bitterness, resentment and rationalization mechanisms. Someone must have spit some good game at you and used you as a semen receptacle. In other words you're the typical low value jump off that is frequently discussed around here...
  12. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    Fact: If women kept their legs closed to anyone other then their husbands then there would be no way for men to cheat. Maybe society (someday) can get this through their thick freaking skulls and point the blame at women where it belongs. Say what you will but the truth remains that it's women...
  13. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    The guys that say that a) Don't care for the outdated medieval courtship system and institution known as marriage. They are Aware and awake and really just don't give a ****. b) Have been (or are) married and see it for what it is. If they could go back in time and change it all around they...
  14. C

    For all men that justify cheating through "its my nature I cant help it"

    Other then being in a mans nature to cheat I can see why you're so bitter and been "cheated on", in possibly so many different occasions. Any man in their right mind would of done the same. Your words are just painful to read, I don't even care to know what you're like in person.
  15. C

    If you are american, who you are going to vote for ?

    And who's going to rebuild? The Chinese? As far as voting goes I say the same. Nobody.
  16. C

    I'm 22 and i'm feeling attracted to a 14 years old girl.Advice Needed!

    Stay away from high school aged females dude. I know just how tempting they can get from first hand experience, but think about the trouble you can land yourself into. I know it sucks but the law is the law. Are you stupid? "Pedophile" applies as attraction to prepubescent children. I'm aware...
  17. C

    Guy cheating on wife - tell wife?

    I've seen it happen numerous times when a female would swear on her life that she wouldn't go tell her boyfriend that YOU specifically told her she was being cheated on. Yeah right. She may have sworn to secrecy but before you know it you'll be receiving a call from her guy saying something...
  18. C

    Guy cheating on wife - tell wife?

    No you don't tell his wife anything. You keep your mouth shut and just mind your own business. Besides you can't really judge a mans character simply because he "cheated" on his wife. That's ridiculous.
  19. C

    BIG BOOTY Women, the Ultimate Measuring Standard of a DJ's Progress

    So go make a more interesting one.