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  1. D

    Tomorrow will be different

    i totally agree w/ david. it's taken me awhile to incorporate the dj lifestyle into my life, and i still am not complete dj yet
  2. D

    Which is better Number or MSN

    if you ask for msn, she will probably give it. if you im her, she might never answer or something like that, and you dont have concrete evidence that it's her. get a #! if she is interested she will give you the number. if not, she may give a fake one, but # is always better. trust me!
  3. D

    Kino when sitting next to her.... at school

    plenty of posts out there that deal w/ this stuff. look for them
  4. D

    what should I do next?

    That's awesome dude. never thought to look at it like that. def. would throw her off guard. great, great, great
  5. D

    Change Starts Now

    actually READ the bible, and dont SKIM through it. you might learn something! if you want to be happy, take a look at my thread about confidence.
  6. D

    Girls out the Wa-zoo

    accidentally put this in "tips" sorry
  7. D

    So, what is going on??

    all i have to say is WOW!!!! hit that shiz nit man, and dont screw it up.
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    how to talk to girls?

    this may be true, but you dont wanna be a jerk to them. you want them to like you and you wanna get their interest level up. dont be a ****, just be yourself, and let it come naturallly.
  9. D

    College bookstore PU question

    dont worry about it. dont think about it. just do it!
  10. D

    Man I can't believe this... this isnt me!!!

    awesome job dude. you've done better than me. i've only gotten 2 #'s in 1 weeks time. and spent the night w/ that one chick. going out w/ my math study partner (HB8) tomorrow after class!!!
  11. D

    The attributes/traits you possess! Share!

    Well, lets see, I'm 18 years old, I have a great job as a gov't contractor. I work w/ some top secret stuff and I make $10/hr. I'm a college freshman, and well on top of my game. I used to be a big time AFC, but these past 3 months or so (after reading this forum) i've totally changed...
  12. D

    Confidence is the Key!

    Ok, from all my past experiences, and all my new ones, I've learned a lot of things. Basically, it all boils down to one thing: Confidence. Confidence is the key to doing anything with anybody. It's the only way you make new friends, talk to a prof. about a bad grade, go to the help room for...
  13. D

    Confidence is the Key!

    Ok, from all my past experiences, and all my new ones, I've learned a lot of things. Basically, it all boils down to one thing: Confidence. Confidence is the key to doing anything with anybody. It's the only way you make new friends, talk to a prof. about a bad grade, go to the help room for...
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    Girls out the Wa-zoo

    Ok, 1st week of college, and everything is going tremendously great. Spent the night at a girls dorm last night. Her friend slept in her bed, and we slept in her roommates bed (her roommate was gone). We didnt fvck, and I wasnt really feeling it either. We watched a DVD together, and we were...
  15. D

    2 tips for newbies.

    ya, those are good tips. i use them too, and they are pretty much written in stone. i think the DJ Bible has something along those lines in there. It's good advice, and I agree w/ ya 100%
  16. D

    Real world examples of ice cold approaches.

    I am going to keep posting my college first couple of weeks at college, only as for reference for other people. It is a real world example of how things really work, and how I operate. It works for me, so if you think you can do it, try.... For more info, just pm me...
  17. D

    First Date Tips

    movie isnt really a good place 4 a 1st date. i do movie/dinner sometimes. it works w/ some girls, others it just doesnt feel right. n e way: you just gotta play things as they go, you cant plan how things happen, b/c they almost never happen that way. stop planning, just be cool, smooth...
  18. D

    How do you become the alpha male?

    sounds like you are power hungry and a control freak. dont worry about trying to be the "alpha male" around all your guy friends. if they girls know that your'e the "alpha," then that's all that matters. dont worry about what other people think.
  19. D

    Girl's shyt tests -> I just don't understand whats going on!

    if you r da shyt then act like it! get over this girl, and go out w/ the girls taht want you. dont be playing stupid kid games. and ya, you really sound like u r da shyt. post a pic, and we'll tell ya otherwise
  20. D

    Why Asian guys can't hook up with fine ass white girls.

    even some white guys are lucky to get these fine white chicks. but you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and using your asian heritage as a ****ing scapegoat you dumb***. stop being a pvssy whiney baby, and go get the girls you want