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  1. Bandolero

    Modern Times = Women > Dogs > Men...

    Did you wrote this on purpose ?
  2. Bandolero

    Modern Times = Women > Dogs > Men...

    If I had a dog, then you can bet your ass that mothereffer is above girls and dudes I don't even know. It's pretty simple. If you take care of someone or something it has more value for you.
  3. Bandolero

    Watching people get destroyed. Post your top cringe from around the net.

    Dude at 5:53 trying to stay out and have his meal is hilarious.
  4. Bandolero

    These dudes would steal your chick

    You have oneitis .
  5. Bandolero

    Other guys hitting on date

    Some guys are disrespectful or don't even realize what they are doing. I disagree. They know what they are doing. They just think that they can get away with it. You need to check people.
  6. Bandolero

    Other guys hitting on date

    You will develop your boundaries without speaking them out. People senses it when somebody is willing to throw hands.
  7. Bandolero

    Other guys hitting on date

    Invite the provocateur for a walk. If he refuses - Say : then behave like it If he goes in then kick up some dust . They know what they are doing. Don't believe this " I didn't mean it like that " BS You need to stand up for yourself. Men know how to behave and if u feel disrespected, then u...
  8. Bandolero

    Unusually attractive guy in college from a couple years ago, and girls' reactions

    I taught this was a forum to help each other out with game. Why the hell do you care about an overall more attractive guy, who pulls all the girls? This is not uncommon , there are such human beings. We know this since the beginning of time. This sounds straight like a fantasy of yours brother...
  9. Bandolero

    Is this relationship worth it?

    Why do you guys give a **** about the parents liking him or not? If she wants to cheat then the parents ain't gonna do **** !?
  10. Bandolero

    Are my looks holding me back?

    Most of the guys are not even honest with themselves about their looks. Being average is absolutely fine. If there is no 7 ( comfortable number for people to choose) then most will rate below. Cause let's be honest. If you are an eight or above then you shouldn't have problems pulling girls or...
  11. Bandolero

    Are my looks holding me back?

    Yeah buddy. Post a picture and stop the discussion.
  12. Bandolero

    I Need Help With A Hip Hop Song!!!!

    It actually took me over 20 years to find. You are the man. Really Good song.
  13. Bandolero

    Anyone in Cologne / west Germany?

    Mittelhessen . Marburg.
  14. Bandolero

    One exercise per muscle workout

    Why don't you post a picture? Most bro's really focusing to much on chest . Just take a look at basic calisthenics . It's possible to grow with almost everything but not without consistency.
  15. Bandolero

    Feminists poop on police and take selfies...New Low...

    Guys would get beaten into a koma by the police if they did this. Some are willing to do anything for clout. I don't get it.
  16. Bandolero

    A man's man (of the old generation)...

    It's always the previous generation that let it that far.
  17. Bandolero

    Muscles & A Good Beard Is The Way Forward

    Is this the advice we came for? Grow a beard? Grow a pair friend's. You are to focused on looks.
  18. Bandolero

    I met a new girl!

    You are butt hurt and she can sense it from a mile away. Not even your new one is gonna help. You better get over it brother.