Once you turn 18, you can take out your own student loans. Your name's on it. It's your debt.
You could go ahead and be rebellious and get a dorm room anyway, it's an option.
Only problem is that there might be consequences with your parents.
You decide how important your freedom is to you...
man is inherently selfish but that doesnt make him bad, all it means is that all men think alike. we all want the same things.
what is your definition of bad?
Backbreaker, you're only 29? You sure have been through a whole lot of crap. This thread is different in the sense that it really doesn't have much do with pu$$y, but rather how to be a better man. I think this is the type of stuff we need on our forums. No nonsense.
Thanks bro, I look...
Good feedback so far guys. I really need to get my crap together. I literally feel bad about myself when I look down at my belly. Maybe I'm being hard on myself, but I don't see why a girl would be physically attracted to fat guys. All I know is, I want to be lean, and I'm lifting again. I...
you have to wait until she reciprocates. Don't start gushing with a girl unless a situation calls for it. You should be emotionally strong enough as a man to not want to spill your guts to a girl you barely know. The things on your mind, i would say, keep it inside and only give her bits and...
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