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  1. M

    5 texts you should never send to a girl

    Why not text a woman whatever you feel like texting? Is there some inherent fear she may think less of you? Are real men afraid to send good morning texts? If she likes you enough and finds you attractive enough she won't give a damn if you text her good morning or double text her. Even if she...
  2. M

    The science crisis

    Seems the lil lady spaz has feminine tendencies for attention seeking, passive aggressive slap fighting, and the need to think she's always right. She is probably an HB3 wearing a skirt and joined ss to be surrounded by men because men dont pay her any attention in her village. SS should offer...
  3. M

    I'm 31 shes 22..7 month relationship

    Why do you think she will cheat on you? Has she cheated on you before? You can't control what other people will or will not do. Only what you yourself will do. If she's getting on your nerves have you spoken to her about things instead of asking these forums? You might want to start with...