only one thing, one boost your ego the other just make you lazy, again its all about the person, if being in no fap helps you move your ass out and find a girl then you do so, for some makes no diference, and some here said nofap would amke then too thirsty, I do belive most here would do what works for then the best not follow statements like this was a religionI agree with the above quoted statement you made Peasant.
Fvcking a woman and fapping both leads to an ejaculation of sperm.
Since the result is the same with both ending in an ejaculation, then why is one bad and the other not?
#lies #halftruths #bending.the.truth #what.good.are.your.sources.when.its.all.lies
most "science" articles are bend on truth to sell, also sometimes you need to ask who paid for that article in first place, lots of these happen to be bend based on the higher bidder, problem I see is most scientists are too afraid to do real things and most are not thinking on making things pratical, only theoretical, and even when they put something worthy while they forget the emotional level on such cases