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  1. bigneil

    She Broke NC - After 7 weeks

    I haven't changed? I lost about 25 pounds of fat and gained about 10 pounds of muscle in the 3 months since I saw her. I didn't look as good as her body builder ex husband before, but now I look better. So yes, I'd like to see how the chemistry feels with her now. The sex got better and better...
  2. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    It's good to quit for a few months. Stick to high quality. The Coca leaf supported men for eons. It's still sold on Amazon.
  3. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    I've been high on weed since 1984, and am currently drinking Vodka (organic, mixed with ice and organic strawberries in a Ninja). I do a gram of coke per month. No meds. I am in perfect health. Because I eat organic and make raw salsa and bone-in, grass-fed beef stew.
  4. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    Yes, their first album was best, then their second, then it went downhill. Still one of the best bands from the '90s. Sunlight helps us produce Vitamin D (most mammals can produce it on their own, but not humans). Vitamin D cures 70% of ALL cancers. Obviously, our ancestors were exposed to the...
  5. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    Do NOT spray a tan on. It's toxic. We are people of the sun.
  6. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    For me, life began at 26, and I was reborn again at 41. My 30's were my least favorite. My 40's were the best so far. Age 1-19: 0 women (=0 per year). Age 20-40: 19 women (<1 per year). Age 41-46: 17 women (>3 per year).
  7. bigneil

    Went down town last night...

    I disagree with this old adage. Everyone should be forced to publish how much they make per hour, and how they made it. Then we'd see that half these rich bastards (and their mistresses) never earned a dime in their lives, as they sip champagne, flaunt yachts and brag about horse races and...
  8. bigneil

    If money and looks are king then why do musician write so many oneitis songs

    McCartney said he didn't write Hey Jude, he just interpreted that energy that was emanating at that time. Music and harmony existed before human beings.
  9. bigneil

    If money and looks are king then why do musician write so many oneitis songs

    Science and art are the same thing. Newton wrote Calculus the way Paul McCartney wrote Hey Jude. They were expressing their vision.
  10. bigneil

    Texting to set up a date

    Yes, the takeaway is effective early on. 1) If she is bitter, she'll show you. If you get a thumbs up (the lamest, one-character reply possible) for example, dump her. 2) If she is sweet, you will want to make it up to her. This happened to me this week as I braced myself for a psycho she...
  11. bigneil

    If money and looks are king then why do musician write so many oneitis songs

    We all feel heartache, whether we are stars or not. Nothing motivates a person more. For nearly every great song, there existed some beautiful woman who brought some man great joy and proportionally great sadness. When a woman inspires a man to create an immortal form of art in her memory...
  12. bigneil

    Chicks are definetely not loyal

    "I want a woman who is not only beautiful, but kind and caring, like an ugly woman" - Drew Carey 1997
  13. bigneil

    Market Trend Analysis - Dating in 2017

    I watched the episode of Star Trek with my then trekkie gf "Who Mourns for Adonis?" the one where (IMO no homo) the handsomest guy in TV history cries at the end. That was 50 years ago, when real men apparently weren't shamed for showing emotion. And tell me she doesn't look like my then gf in...
  14. bigneil

    When they are done right, what are a man's peak years (30s) like?

    Done right, a man's 30's will be as good as his 40's will be.
  15. bigneil

    Market Trend Analysis - Dating in 2017

    They might pretend to discard us like trash, but women don't go back to trash they threw away 2 months ago and pick it back up. A woman being motivated by men with money is as normal as a man seeking young women - both are seeking the resources required to have a family, which includes fresh...
  16. bigneil

    Don’t mix your emotions with your women

    A woman rejecting us for needing her is simply her reminding us that she is not our mommy. That's the real issue. Our mothers lied to us and told us that all women would love to change our diapers and feed us, and that all we ever need to do is cry and we'll get our way.
  17. bigneil

    Had Enough of being used. Guide me through guys

    That's why she lost interest. You were the guy with all the women. Then you were the guy who liked her best. That's why my girl lost interest, but I walked away and found enough girls in her peer group that I can hopefully restore her high interest. She came back the moment another hot girl...
  18. bigneil

    Don’t mix your emotions with your women

    It's ok to love her. It's ok to feel ecstasy when you hold her and make love to her. But it's not ok to need her. Ultimately, we need to maintain emotional self control. Be stoic in the worst moments of the relationship, even though they are masters at getting a rise out of us. That is, if she...
  19. bigneil

    Gf gone on holiday.

    I put my last girlfriend through boot camp. I never once put up with her crap. I just won a 7 week standoff and worked out the whole time. Now I'll get to see her again and she'll see the new me. I appreciate her doing this, she inspired me to improve. I told her on our third date as we walked...
  20. bigneil

    Gf gone on holiday.

    You have to let them be completely free - like they were before they met you - and hope they choose you - again, like they did when they first met you. Now that women are universally unfaithful, we no longer need to blame ourselves for our cheating bride.