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  1. Smok1nAce

    YouTuber Claims Dating Women In the 1990s Is No Different Than Dating Today's Women

    started dating in late 2000s in HS. The only difference dating now is more is required by both sexes. I do though think we are hitting a tipping point from the last decade and the market is starting to sway in favor of men. Mostly because the 20 something are looking to settle down after the...
  2. Smok1nAce

    What's your experience of girls with large Tattoos?

    The irony is "nowadays" most women are the red flag.
  3. Smok1nAce

    Poll: what is a definition of slut to you?

    A women who seeks out unhealthy male attention through sex.
  4. Smok1nAce

    Women Don't Want a Semi-Successful Man

    If your a lame, your a lame. No amount of money will make a women 'like" you. As for the average man being undesirable to women, it does hold some validity. I started working minimum wage, then barley livable money, now I'm making 75K a year. What I've learned is that people pay your more...
  5. Smok1nAce

    article: Gen Z Is Leaving Dating Apps Behind

    dating in general is dead.
  6. Smok1nAce

    escorts vs civvies

    Escorting is ok for a good time but tbh even that hobby (business) has become filled with lazy/over weight and over priced vaginaa . It’s been inflated by the “ho3” culture that has been going on for the last decade or so. Women demand more but offer less. The best way to put it is before the...
  7. Smok1nAce

    Does The Body Retain DNA/SPERM From Sexual Partners?

    I see it more spiritually.
  8. Smok1nAce


    fake. PSA: Alot of fake sh1t like this has been flooding the internet lately, videos scenarios making men look weak and beta. All around fake dating experience.
  9. Smok1nAce

    How to maintain an abundance mentality when you have no options and find it difficult getting a few?

    OP. I dont know how old you are or what your life experience is so im going to give a very safe vanilla answer. Just live life and stop putting the ***** on the pedestal. You haven't had it in a while, so what, unless you come of desperate she will never know. Just give of the vibe you dont...
  10. Smok1nAce

    ChatGPT provides advice based upon SoSuave

    Its a start. The question you asked was very vague. Maybe try a more specific question?
  11. Smok1nAce

    AI effects on the dating market?

    Women are naturally social creatures a sex robot could never replace a man. Once sex robots hit it wont be long till iRobot 13 comes out with the latest artificial womb with gene editing. The only implications I see happening is the female sex will die out (From an evolutionary stand point it...
  12. Smok1nAce

    Discontent Towards Boomers

    Baby boomers could get through most of life by simply showing up. I think we have more opportunities then they did but at what cost? The hate boomers get was their inability to think of a better tomorrow. Global warming, mass debt, SS, war, all these are because the powers that be failed to do...
  13. Smok1nAce

    Hooking up is not viable in 2023?

    People are constantly bombarded with doom and gloom. Politics, war, health epidemics, inflation, gender wars, ect.. And you expect women of that society to want to reproduce? lol. Women are scared.
  14. Smok1nAce

    Why do non-white guys chase after meh/10 white women

    I think its just a perception. Most women are average, a few stand out as very attractive and very ugly. When you in that "gene pool" and I use that term only for sake of simplicity. You probably notice more distinct features within in that group more then an outsider. The features you deem...
  15. Smok1nAce

    Hot Girl Finds Out What's It Like To Be An Avergae Man On Tinder

    Online dating/swipe apps/social media dating has been played out since the late 2010s. Quality women have vanished from those platforms. Sure there are still attractive women, but I guarantee there single for a reason. Not to mention I've seen the same profiles of women consistently single...
  16. Smok1nAce

    Are Western Females decorative eye candy?

    From one extreme to the other. I do agree women are grossly objectified in America, to the extent that a "bad b1tch" is respected. Setting a president for the last generation of women with tattoos and lose morals. Just shows the extent that men still have control of womens minds. Over the...
  17. Smok1nAce

    Invites me out often, sleeps with me on my bed to cuddle, gives me hickeys, but won't kiss me on the lips?

    whole thread can be summed up to....dont stick you d1ck in crazy.
  18. Smok1nAce

    True or False: Girls only sh*t test when they like you

    Yep, as I get older this is basically what I've come to realize. But if a women is busting balls to get your attention, you already have an idea of what a relationship with her would be like, they are usually bitter man haters. Its a last resort for women, Its ultimately to save face (save...