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  1. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    If you have a hard time dating women over 10 years older, it's pretty much OVER for you.
  2. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    Yes, the Muslims love their society so much that they can't wait to move to Western Christian society. :rolleyes:
  3. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    Here's a Chad with a fattie.
  4. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    There is something to be said that some homosexual men are failed heterosexual men - i.e., they figure that the reason they must be such utter failures at attracting women is that they are gay. I have spoken to some other alumni of my infamous all-male high-school, and more than one has come up...
  5. MatureDJ

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    No, she'd be hugging her co-workers if they looked like Tom Brady. :rolleyes:
  6. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    There would be enough men still around to happily fill the void (pun NOT intended). Men might show a high degree of comradery in battle, or collective solidarity with unions, but they will always subterfuge a sex strike.
  7. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    You're discussing the looksmatch deficit that has developed due to hypergamy.
  8. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    This is a ridiculous statement. The resource of females - to say nothing of decently desirable females - is not limitless, and there are men (i.e., Chads) that hog the resources, either directly (maintaining a soft harem) or indirectly (women keep themselves in "dating limbo" waiting for a Chad...
  9. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    So basically, learn to cope with being an involuntary monk by being "happy". :rolleyes:
  10. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    There certainly is a bifurcation in how to deploy one's agency while facing a decaying social structure - do you be constructive and try and fix it, or do you just throw in the towel and take the "let it burn" attitude? Indeed, a big incel meme is that in a torched society, at least the women...
  11. MatureDJ

    Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want

    I haven't encountered that word since watching this movie: Oh, and if we were back at that era, there would be no impetus for "game", since the mating system worked. :rolleyes::mad:
  12. MatureDJ

    Harsh Truth: Women pursue the men that they want

    They way to get a reputation for being highly desirable is to BE highly desirable: About the only thing the typical man can do is pursue that degree in finance, and hustle his way to actually getting a job in it., and luck out with the eyes. That height is a 2.5-sigma attribute :rolleyes:, and...
  13. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    Are you thinking about going to Turkey to HairPlugMax?
  14. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    We seem to be past the point where ProvisionMaxxing works to any desirable degree (it remains to be seen if the recent trends in chicks RetroMaxxing becomes a meme of consequence). I mean, the attractive woman is going to go for the unemployed Chad instead of the Normie (to say nothing about...
  15. MatureDJ

    Incel Circlejerk

    Strategies, scenarios & self-improvement are on tap here, but at least from my perspective, there is noticeable trend that I have noticed with long-timers that they start out thinking that learning the secrets of "game" will unlock the key to dating success, but the steady arrow of time steadily...
  16. MatureDJ

    A guy I know is getting laid off, and his wife is non-stop on his case about getting a replacement job

    At this point in my life, when I could actually afford to, I would not mind this type of arrangement - I mean, I only get action when I pay for it anyway. :mad:
  17. MatureDJ

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    Uh, it had bounced around between 1989 & 2008, but has been on a steady tear upwards only since 2008.
  18. MatureDJ

    article: Gen Z’s Romance Gap: Why Nearly Half of Young Men Aren’t Dating

    I'll have to remember that next time. :rolleyes:
  19. MatureDJ

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER I for one cannot see how taking a chick back to your place and having this around would not cause the chick to flee in terror. Here's a reddit post about the shame:
  20. MatureDJ

    If you're in a social circle, and the women there don't give you a hug when they leave, it's OVER

    Yes, this is an idea that I have contemplated - that because if a social-group attempt at dating fails, it's like that social-group has been poisoned to some degree. This leads to either picking up strangers, or someone who is marginally attached to a social-group (like a friend of someone in...