Don't even think about day trading unless you are a very experienced investor. Chances are greater than 50% that you'll lose your shirt.
Do not use your student loan money to try and invest or make a quick buck.
Find a job first - you have a couple of degrees, and anything IT-related these...
If you are willing to hold for the long term, put it into JNJ. If you want to lessen the risk somewhat, divide evenly into four large cap/blue chip dividend payers and use a Dividend Reinvestment Plan.
I would recommend the following four:
Dividend growth investing has the...
Here's my suggestion:
Quit your job, move back with your parents, study your butt off and ace your classes. Continue to chat more with people as you have been doing. Or, if your class is going well then keep the job if you like it, but still move back.
When you pass your class and your...
No offense intended with the ethnicity question - just wondering if it could be a variable in your success, or lack of and wondering if you're approaching women of different backgrounds - ie. females from certain cultures could be more 'strict' than others when it comes to dating.
If you say...
Could you describe this opening dance routine you talk about, and what is intended behind it? Are you a good dancer, and do you get compliments for it?
Just curious as to what ethnicity you are? Did you feel that you were a social outcast in high school?
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