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  1. S

    Please Help!

    Thanks for the advice Maxi!! I know you're right but it's just so damn hard to ignore! i can't remember being more attracted to a girl before and my missus noticed the other day that I was really highly strung......all thanks to this girl grrr. I'll try to do the right thing. What does BPD mean?
  2. S

    Please Help!

    Hmmm, obviously you have never experienced the power of flirt and testosterone before? Are you like this to all new members? Just wanted a little advice.
  3. S

    Please Help!

    Hi guys, thanks in advance. I've got this lady at work who keeps flirting heavily with me. Problem being: A. I'm married B. She is in a far more senior positions than I am. She sits in a booth directly opposite me and has been eyeing me off for a long time. She always walks past and...