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  1. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    WEEK 2 COMPLETE! I also did hypnoticas step 2 meditations and they had a big effect on me. One of my short convos was an hb 5 and one was a middle age woman. I also got in my first convo for week 3 and attempted to number close and got my first rejection (she ended up being 19 years old) I...
  2. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Also yestarday my confidence was way down and I was even slightly nervouse going into a party of old people and ugs. But I have heard a lot about this and it does not mean the confidence is gone almost everyone on hypnoticas forum was saying that when you are improving it goes in cycles and...
  3. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Yesterday I was dead tired tried going out and literally could not walk a mile and felt sick this is from no days off since I have been walking 5+ miles everyday and tons of exercise tried about 3 times to go out and could only walk a few blocks. But later I found out about a going away party...
  4. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Damn look what I just found from sin jester No, just no. You shouldn't be asking this Don't worry about eye contact. Seriously. When I was new I worried about it too. People misenterpret eye contact. Is is important WHEN YOU ARE TALKING TO HER. Beforehand it is irrelevant. Don't worry...
  5. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Darn !!!! I had a super long awesome post that got deleted. Well I will try and shorten it then. I didn't feel like going out at all forced my self out and after a few greetings and short convos had a breakthrough. I got in 3 short convos (one of them was with an old lady and was like 40...
  6. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Thanks for the advice that sounds good I will do that next time. Yesterday I was planning on takeing off and was not feeling up to it but I forced myself to go out since even if I get nothing offical done I notice everytime I miss an approach opportunity (which I did) I think it over in my...
  7. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Went to that resturant and got in one short convo with the owner no hbs were working but the food looked awesome. 1/10
  8. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Thats awesome man! I went out today got in a few super short convos which I won't count (hows it goin, good how are you, good) I will start trying to turn them into short convos when I say good I will make another comment. I got tons of his (10-20) which I stopped counting. I wanted to...
  9. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    I always get pumped up reading this very positive thread I felt great and could not wait till tomorrow so I went out and got up to 54/50. Felt amazing getting all 50 and that high made the last four literally natural just smiling and saying hi cuz I was so happy. I will be sure to keep this a...
  10. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    COC has not arrived yet but the first step is availible for free on his site writing my goals out in detail really helped me I used to just repeat a goal 100s of times in my head but writing it out in detail really gives you not just more dedication but a mental...
  11. G

    Boot Camp
  12. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    No, It is just the same one I am in high school so I posted it here since other people doing it will have similar experiences and the tips we give eachother will be useable since things are different with girls when you are 15-17,18 than when you are in college or later.
  13. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Howd it go?
  14. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Going Strong! I got at least 11 more today it could of been up to 14 but I am sure I will make the deadline. 41/50 I am also doing hypnoticas COC and am listening to the attractor factor very often which is really helping since I am in such a obviously positive and good mood and maybe the...
  15. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Got 4 more today mon wensd friday I lift weights which takes up hours so I will likely always get the most done on tues thurs and saturdays. I also had to go to the doctor. It started out with bad results for the first two but by the 3rd I got a positive reply and on the fourth got a very short...
  16. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Got one more today and am now half way there. Maybe I can get it done in5 days which would leave me one day practice short convos before next week and one day of rest.
  17. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Today was great I wanted to be sure to make up the 3 I missed yesterday but ended up getting 17/13 and am at a total of 24/50 It has become a habit. I kept being to nervouse yestarday to do hbs but today did my first one and felt fine. I got lots of good replies and felt great once I got number...
  18. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    Awesome. We'll post at least one field report a week ( i'll likely do more than that). What I am doing is in addition to that keeping a log which I recomend you do the same I write down what me weaknesses seem to be and read it before going out it is true what people say about learning far more...
  19. G

    DJBC for high school guys

    I just started week 1 today since I think I have had enough reading and need more experience in a structured way. My goal is to do the first 6 weeks but will aim for the whole thing. Does anyone else want to join me in doing it so we can post on this thread tips and support. It doesn't have to...
  20. G

    Starting from scratch

    Some background: I am a sophmore was new to school this year and thought if I was nice to people I would eventually get invited places It never happened so what I am left with is a few "freinds" who I talk to and get along with but who never want to hang out with me and everyone else is ok with...