you can do this.... just have a couple of bussines cards in your vollet... and give her two and tell her to write down her number in one of them.. that will be slick. but the i usally just stick with just handing her my phone..
I think this one of the reasons why people start hobbies. Any hobbie will do.. You probly dont even need to be very involed in the hobbie just go to a couple of conventions or clubbs... google your city and hobby...
Iv seen lots of people use this term, obviously its a negative conotaion, but what dose it refer to?
I know saying "your a troll" would be very funny, but resist the temptation if you can.
if she smiles back then you slowy grind her.. if you feel her pvssy gettting warmer.. good job you son of a bi tch you just truned her on.. ok.. you may move onto foreplay now.:)
KINO I used to have the same problem... untill I contiunaly escolated the kino.. untill the kiss... then you can just keep kinoing her but ill be really natural for you cause she will be kinoing you like crazzy..
Yes!!!! OMG! when I read this I realized what I always did and never realized it.. I just did this last night, also raise one of your eye brows like your cerious.. dude that **** works she will drop her wall if you do this right..
I think these guys are entitled to seling there ideas... If people want to buy there books, or attend there classes thats kudos for them. People spend money on stupid things, I just spend $600 on cell phone. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yes, but for me its worth it cause its soo coool :)
I think these guys are entitled to seling there ideas... If people want to buy there books, or attend there classes thats kudos for them. People spend money on stupid things, I just spend $600 on cell phone. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yes, but for me its worth it cause its soo coool :)
If shes in another relationship why not keep spining her for couple of weeks... while you work on other prospects... since getting into lawschool I havent been on this site alot but I used come here all the time as a guest..
Take a break form the game. Just go out to be with your boys. And game will naturally happen to you... If you already read up this sihit you will implement it with out even thinking about it... Def cut out reviewing bullsihit before going out. For sure though take some time off the game.
Ok cool so you want to get her under the radar right? Ok so this is what you should do in my humble opinion if you insist on keeping the "date" with her.
Check what kind of underwear shes wearing.
If its sexy your good. Sexy meaning thong, victoria secret. ect ect. After you see that its...
What ever you do dont do this!!!!!!
I but if you ask me shes just keeping you in the back burner as a back up just incase her other sitiuations ****s up.. I would cancel on her at the last minute and rearage it for some other time..
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