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  1. H

    Lots of posts about "The Dating Market" and Women today! My thoughts...

    Who says we're not evolving? Women going to work, (the last 100 years) has totally changed how human society has been since day dot. Don't you think this this massive change isn't evolving? Some people think so...
  2. H

    Lots of posts about "The Dating Market" and Women today! My thoughts...

    So there has been a influx of interesting posts about the state of the dating market and why its so poor, also why is there a high number of women with poor behavior nowadays. This post by Poon King Is a good place to...
  3. H

    When to bring up that I am divorced?

    I got married when I was 19 lasted just over a year, i been deviced nearly 9 years, I never need to bring it up. Do you have kids or something so that you ex wife is going to be around? If not you never need to bring it up, its your past and can stay there.
  4. H

    Need your help more than ever guys

    How was this a shvt test pass? In my mind I fvcking lost by walking away! if I stayed and not gave a fvck to me was the only way to pass that one .... I told her that I still care by walking away, if I didn't walk away would have she text me after to rube it in.... Don't think so somehow
  5. H

    Need your help more than ever guys

    I really don't want her to know I'm hurt by this because she's the type of person that would get a kick from it. Just don't understand why she would go to all that effort and even texting me at 3 AM asking for his number! I've always been an emotional guy and she knows it, it's something that...
  6. H

    Need your help more than ever guys

    I never said I did have a claim or control over her, I wouldn't want that anyway! I don't want nothing to do with the wh0re tbh. It was a situation that I found myself in that I didn't like! I'm not a good drunk, I get way to angry but lately I've been getting better until last night. That just...
  7. H

    Need your help more than ever guys

    Hey guys sorry about that was drunk and angry! We was together about a year or so! Worst part is she text me this morning asking if I had this guy's number? She's hasn't text me in 9 months!
  8. H

    Need your help more than ever guys

    I'm really drunk right now and I don't give a **** but I need help. Was out on a night out with friends from work and my ex was the was there. She was dancing and all over a guy I work with he's married and 40 odd but I feel like I want to smash his face in! It was a case of get arrested or go...
  9. H

    Girl I've been into for a while recently broke up with longtime boyfriend

    Because you said plotting! When you plot to get with a girl things (she) gets built up to much in your head. First you think she's special, then you start giving her qualities that only exist in your own mind. Sorry for calling you out on the pedestal thing, you just reminded me of myself a few...
  10. H

    Girl I've been into for a while recently broke up with longtime boyfriend

    Sounds like you have already put her on a pedestal! She will know this and destroy you! Sorry but I know all too well how this will go down!
  11. H

    Working with BPD ex that tries to get my attention

    I must admit your situation sounds just like mine last year,its been well over a year now since we broke up and we both still work at the same place. The games and the head ***** they play do still happen from time to time but they are very rare, they make me laugh now to be honest because you...
  12. H

    Women and Alcohol?

    I thought that too, but ain't most young girls like this nowadays?
  13. H

    Women and Alcohol?

    Hi guys, Just a quick question, what is your opinion on women that get so drunk they are kind of a embarrassment? To me when you go out for drinks with a girl, and you meet up with other friends, I live in a smallish town so I generally know most people but your girl gets absolutely smashed...
  14. H

    Paranoid of catching an STD

    Only sleep with clean woman! I always do a back ground check on the girl before I ever consider ridding bareback! Basically find out if she's a slag, this is easy with social media nowadays. Only once have I thought to myself during sex that my C0ck was going to rot off... never again!
  15. H

    After a year of living on my own, Im still really struggling with it!

    One step ahead of you! I start training Brazilian jiu-jitsu again next week fella, 3 night's a week and to be honest I can't wait, haven't had the motivation or self esteem to do anything like that after my break up. I wish I found this site years ago!
  16. H

    After a year of living on my own, Im still really struggling with it!

    Hi guys, A little background here, rightly or wrongly I have been in relationships one to the next since I was 1 without any break in between. I'm 30 next year and been single for a year also been living on my own for the first time too. Sometimes after a long day at work, all I just want to...
  17. H

    Strange situation and need help!!!

    Hi guys, I have been viewing posts on this forum a long time but never posted anything, reading posts on this forum has got me over a really bad break up that i had last years and made me realize the error of my ways with women plus made me sort my life out too. I used to have confidence...
  18. H

    Out of the blue text

    Well I've banged 3 girls from my office and they all knew each other also about me sleeping around the office. They didn't care so why should she? Seems like she may have a bf or something else on the side in my opinion.