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  1. P

    Finally got a girlfriend... now what?

    you don't have to show affection in public then. Just save all that stuff behind closed doors or when you two aren't in the open. If your gut says to test all of your options then do what it says, chance are it's the right choice.
  2. P

    Biggest lies you were fed about women growing up

    "She doesn't know what she wants." Mike32CT, i have to agree on this one with you. Women know what type of man they want, and although they won't tell you they already have it programmed in their heads. "Treat all woman like you would want your sister to be treated." While it says "all"...
  3. P

    This is really the best way to get better if you're not good looking

    Doesn't really matter who you're with when you approach girls at bars or anywhere. If the people you're with don't know how to DJ chances are you won't know either. Sure having a lot of people gets that nervous feeling of approaching girls to go away,but if they know nothing about being a DJ...
  4. P

    Type of people from your hs that ended up succssful

    The ones from my high school were the kids that took as many AP classes as they could senior year or the kids that scored a 30 or above on the ACT.
  5. P

    Gf gave guy fake number ... But

    She probably did not want to be like every other girl and say they have a boyfriend when most of the time they do not. Sure she wouldn't be lying if she said that. She didn't give out her real number to him did she? So why be worried about some dude pursuing her when your girl clearly seemed not...
  6. P

    The power of a new haircut

    I know how you feel man. I had that long hair that all the baseball players have these days and it annoyed me so much that it always took 40 minutes to dry. Girls seemed to love the long hair i had though.
  7. P

    gf having kid dreams

    It's only a dream. If she brings up the conversation, then that's when you worry
  8. P

    ALWAYS ask 2.

    it's amazing how much women show interest after they see that there's competition lol
  9. P

    How old were you when you found this site and how did you find it?

    I was I was 19 years old when I found this site after searching google as to figure out what this girl I was dating was doing to me and why. It's only been a month since I've joined so I can fix my mistakes for the next one.
  10. P

    My BETA story - Tell yours !

    Sophomore in college. This past January I got a hot girls number, and she pursued me at first. Went on a few dates and we started seeing each other 4-5 times a week outside of college. I started getting too comfortable, and let my ego drift away and that's when things went downhill. She...
  11. P

    girl that pulled the wool over me

    So there's this girl i met in my college class that i met on the first day of this semester. Well, she asked me for my number so i immediately thought she was interested. So what do i do? i wait 2 days to send her a text pertaining to that class. She sends me 2 long ass paragraphs and then i...