This is really the best way to get better if you're not good looking


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Social status.

Yes, working out helps, but let's face it some people could work out all day and still not pull hot girls.

If you're isolated from people that severely hurts your game. What RSD fails to realize (or maybe they do and don't give a fvck) is that these guys usually go home from bootcamp exactly how they started because they didn't develop social circle game and just learned a bunch of cheesy lines.

Focusing less on women and more on broadening your social circle pays HUGE dividends. I mean if you're with a big group of friends at a bar your chance of pulling go way up. Also your overall mood gets better which allows you to open more females and they get a good vibe from you.

Some guys might have a lot of money but if their social vibe is off they'll have problems.

Young OG

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2015
Reaction score
I agree. This is one thing I'm lacking. I'm not bad looking, but I don't have a lot of friends. I used to live in another state and was in a 7 year ltr. Now I'm single again. Most of my friends don't want to do anything ever. So if I go to a bar, I'm usually with 1 friend, who is far from a DJ. It sucks but I work a lot and have my kid 5 days a week. So I don't have time to make friends.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
Doesn't really matter who you're with when you approach girls at bars or anywhere. If the people you're with don't know how to DJ chances are you won't know either. Sure having a lot of people gets that nervous feeling of approaching girls to go away,but if they know nothing about being a DJ then it's pointless.