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  1. G

    stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead

    thx for the analysis. I hate low self esteem girls. but if they're hot I'll sleep with them. obviously anything further does not make sense. so my question still hangs there, if you can't make a girl laugh with c&f cuz she's so insecure, what frame you set yourself just fluff talk / comfort...
  2. G

    kiss close - buyers remorse?

    I'm not sure if she was really working. haha I told her I liked the way she hit on me. probably she just got me too easy. totally neglected a3 phase. she was attracted but then had what she wanted in 5mins. no challenge. I think there's a great post about that from tyler here...
  3. G

    kiss close - buyers remorse?

    yes. I had already set up a meeting with her before for salsa dancing. I'll call her tomorrow and see if she really flakes.
  4. G

    i got played

    breakups are always hard. this mindset has helped me alot: if you're not going to be with her anymore, you can enjoy all the beautiful women around and don't have to feel like you're cheating. just look around. there's so many. and when you start going out again, build your social circle...
  5. G

    kiss close - buyers remorse?

    Happened to me yesterday and the day before yesterday: Friday: Was massively socially proofed with my sister, her friends, other new girls that I was shaking on the dancefloor. HB1 comes up to me with a flyer and HB1: hey please can you take a flyer? Me: why? HB1: cuz I've got to prove...
  6. G

    stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead

    thanks bro. your response makes sense to me. kiss closed a girl yesterday and the day before yesterday ;). guess there's just these moments where you are in the "zone" and everything happens as you want it to be. would be nice to have a switch to get in the zone whenever you feel like it...
  7. G

    stuck on a plateau - how to move ahead

    After getting out of my first LTR I have started sarging regularly again. I've been quite successful at opening girls, getting initial attraction and getting first kino. I #closed a couple and arranged dates with almost all of them. and this is were I stuck. whereas I find the attraction game...
  8. G

    girl attracted but will not give out #

    met this 18yo girl in starbucks a two weeks ago. played her really nicely and she showed clear signs of attraction. due to settings I tried #closing which she did not want to do. she mentioned a guy and asked me how to tell him she really liked him. i told her "ask him to come and watch dvd"...
  9. G

    mom threatening to sue me

    hey guys thanks alot. Those ppl are in fact insane. I forgot her more or less, already had a nice k-close this saturday in a club. in a certain way it just sucks that I have no fuuucking clue what happened. girl didn't even call me to excuse her mom or so, just didn't hear a SINGLE thing...
  10. G

    mom threatening to sue me

    Hey Guys I need a quick reality check / feeback from you. I turned this female friend of mine in a sort of gf. We had lots of fun, but also every month or so she told me that it was over between the two of us. I just ignored and had her back quickly. Now she cut off contact to me and...
  11. G

    Quick tip from my father.

    the advice is ok. BUT it depends on what you want in life. if you want to be able to pick a good-looking woman through social circle (works) then you will be able to do it. but this incredibly limits your chances. and you have to wait a long time. but if you are like me, and you want...
  12. G

    Is she interested?

    tease the girl. be the prize. do as if she we're trying to pick you up. "ok. you are doing quite well. I think it's time to allow you to take me out." but flow with the situation. if she's really shy, then this stuff aint gonna work. she's going to think you're an arrogant ass hole...
  13. G


    thanks for the advice. and if she doesn't call within the next few days, should I call her again? I will of course pretend that nothing happened and that I was busy too, on that day. Ok, I mean if I don't call and she doesn't call, then it's not gonna be anything, so I better call, but still I...
  14. G


    how about I tell her "I think your friend will have to wait a little longer for you. I'll see you at 2.00" ?? can this come off to aggressive or jerklike? would it be afc to just accept her canceling?
  15. G

    HB9 and tons of guy friends

    just because she's an attention ***** doesn't mean you shouldn't game her. I'd say it's even more interesting because it's a greater challenge. just stay ****y, but not too much and keep the fun up. cancel meetings, don't call, surprise her. keep what works and you can have the hoe...
  16. G


    hi. set up a meeting with a girl yesterday for a meeting in 4 days. today she cancels the date per txt message, claiming a friend of hers having a birthday party which she has to attend. she had suggested this time before, and I had told her I had to see if I was able to come, but that we...
  17. G

    hb testing me... and I wanna pass it (hehe)

    how about "A sweet way of telling me you like me! That gives you 5 points. Keep on the good work!" or "I knew you like me, but I didn't know that you liked me that much that you'd have to tell me in such a SWEET way... (hehe)" ??
  18. G

    hb testing me... and I wanna pass it (hehe)

    ok guys here's the deal, with txt messages. I built up quite high interest level. I told her I was gonna be in her city in a few weeks. Then she asked what the hell I was gonna do in this city. Then I said I'm gonna see someone who likes me and I like too... then she wrote back...
  19. G

    not getting her because she thinks you're a player??

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah why why why why, I just managed to overcome my huge afc-ness, and now they think I'm a player. (which I am not) aaaaaaaa damn
  20. G

    not getting her because she thinks you're a player??

    how do you make them feel that they can trust you? Am I right assuming that this is more important to younger girls (19-) than older ones?