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  1. P

    western society and the dating world is out of control

    Brother... I agree with everything you said. these are all definitely facts, BUT I also agree with Evan. it's the same for 85-90% of men. We all have to deal with the same crap. But it's being aware, and adjusting that will change these things over the years. At some point WE were probably all...
  2. P

    Brought a Girl (My Co-Worker) Home but No Sex ... HELP

    It's definitely hard not to become jaded with these chicks and all the game they spew.. just gotta recognize the games, get what you need from them, then toss those types on the exit pile, and it's onto the next one. the key is don't let them get inside your head/heart...
  3. P

    Brought a Girl (My Co-Worker) Home but No Sex ... HELP

    in addition...she complains to you that the ex-bf worked all the time. I have no's these samy type of women that will shame you into believing you're cheap, etc, maybe that dude is working all the time to try to appease her need for expensive dinners, trips, etc. Let her be...
  4. P

    Brought a Girl (My Co-Worker) Home but No Sex ... HELP don't know any of us from a hole in the ground, to be sure, but if you listen to any of the advice on here, MAUSER is hitting the head of the nail, brother. I have been where he is speaking of. The shaming you into going beyond your means or rack up a credit card for one of these...
  5. P

    Stringing me along?

    I don't know man.. I don't think there's much to do with this broad. I feel she doesn't wanna show up to a party alone is all. All this seems like game to me. I just feel when a girl is interested, you won't have to play all these guessing games, and jump through hoops and have to analyze every...