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  1. B

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    That can go either way, depending on the level of attraction she felt or what stage she is in in her life. Just let us know if she calls. You should have busted balls when she asked you for your number. "why dont you give me yours, you might be one of those phyco chics" or "Ok but your not...
  2. B

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    keep it up man, I check your journal everyday! I am willing to bet you dont even get to a 100 before you find a hot girl that you will probably start dating. Happens to me and my PUA buddies all the time. Then we we break up and we start a new 100. You might want to check out David Deangelo, he...
  3. B

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    Damn, Kclose only tonight. A good one though. Borrne, you ***** you cant count this one as an approach if she approached you. Don't sell yourself short, make it to 100 the right way, no short cuts.:trouble:
  4. B

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    I love this keep it up, I also log all of my approaches. I am going out with a HB9, very hot, tonight. I will let you guys know if I fclose! Let us know when you get laid!
  5. B

    Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback

    Dude, I love your posts keep them coming! It is good motivation for me. I can close almost any chick, IF I don't have to approach her. If she is introduced to me I have A Game. If i hav to walk up to a chick I feel I am screwed, even though I have success doing it. I love the run away from your...