Bourne's Journal of Approaches and Life - need feedback


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Bourne’s Life

Please give me any tips and feedback.

Name: Bourne
Age: 26
About: At age of 19, got laid for the first time and with this same girl ended up having 5 year relationship. Almost married to her, lived with her for 3.5 years until out of the blue she dumped me for “grass is greener and I want to experience life”. She used lines such as “You are the kind of guy I would marry.” And “I have to find myself”. I didn’t see any of this coming. This was at the end of 2004, October. Two months later, December 2004, at age of 25 I went to a party and made out with a girl who later turned out to be my new g/f. For a 1.3 years, I stuck with her through most of the fighting taking place over stupid meaningless crap at starting at 2nd month period. At first she adored me and had the most respect for me, but all that was lost. She was 21. I was 26. March of 2006 I broke up with her when she acquired a male friend interest she wasn’t willing to walk away from. This was the first time I ever broke up with someone. I started to really reflect back on my pathetic life that I had with women and realized, it was pretty much non-existent and I settled for what was there. I settled for mediocrity. While the rest of my life, school, career and health/fitness seemed to really take off. I choose to change my life and change my ways. This is going to be my journey. This is going to be difficult, hard road ahead. I may not be prepared to face what is coming ahead, but I will do whatever is necessary to NOT fall back into unhealthy pattern of behavior that I have led 8 years of my life.

If you care to read what happened in my last relationship:

Selected Goals:
  • Overcome my fear of rejection
  • Finish college in top 10% of my class – Long Term (3 years to go)
  • School is number 1, everything else comes second. Push myself in school twice as much
  • Find out what I like and what I don't like in girls, dates, sex, etc
  • Workout 3-4 times per week
  • Become social and be able to talk to strangers freely
  • Step out of my comfort zone everyday
  • Cold approach at least one girl per day
  • Talk to a random stranger, at least one per day
  • Go out on dates. One per week.
  • Constantly make eye contact and smile
  • Study Italian over the summer
  • Travel over the summer to places I haven’t been in
  • Over the summer, kickbox/box/grapple in the ring again
  • Parasail
  • Every Friday and/or Saturday go out and socialize. Even if it means going out by myself. Sometimes pick places I haven’t been to yet.
  • Get laid by 5 different girls this year.
  • Push myself at drawing even further then before.
  • Read 20-30 pages a day of any book of my choice
  • Eat healthy. Stop eating **** food
  • Date 2-3 women at the same time
  • Stop being labeled as nice guy. Stop being a doormat. Self-Respect. Confidence. Respect of others.
  • Treat everyone the same.
  • Don’t put anyone on pedestal. No superior or inferior complexes.
  • Get over caring what others think of me. Get over approval of others
  • Focus on interaction and enjoy the process
  • 100 Approaches (Inspired by Nishbuk and Deezy, obviously mine are not going to be as smooth and advanced as theirs but I will work my way up.

Friday – March 24, 2006

I had my oil changed at 8 o’clock in the morning. I thought to myself, those places are usually perfect to chat up strangers. Turned my car in and went into a waiting room. Sat next to a woman, tried to comment what was on tv a few times to her, nothing. Oh well, back to studying. I hate how self-involved some people are. We are too busy to talk, too busy to make eye contact. While some people ***** about lack of communication and connection between individuals. After she left an older man sat right next to me, I chatted him up asking about his car and what was wrong with it, after that we just started to talk about random things around where we live. Shooting ****. I tried to push a conversation, not in any particular direction but using some things that he mentioned and going off of that.

I was supposed to go clubbing with bunch of friends later that night. At the last minute every one started to bail out. They either had homework to do or something else. Well that plan fell through. I ended up going to a friend’s dorm room and he was having friends over. They were hanging out, drinking beer. I had good time none the less. Met many new people. Few girls. Getting out of my little comfort zone has proved today very good thing to do. Even though I felt like I shouldn’t have gone out but saying **** it, I’m going out regardless. Today I widened my social circle a bit.

One thing I noticed I don’t do kino enough. Just saying hi and getting a hug, most people were doing that I was not. I am going to work on that.

Later on we all went to some house party. Everyone was in their own social circles and they just kind of stayed there. Don’t you hate that? Right before we left, I had to get into 1 cold approach. So I saw 3 girls having fun and taking picture of each other. I came over and commented on how much fun they are having taking pictures and that I had to take a picture of them and me, because I can’t pass that up. They agreed. One girl asked my name and we introduced each other. After that I left.

Stranger: 1
Cold Approach: 1 (1/100)

Saturday – March 25, 2006

Around 9 pm I went to Borders. Smiled and said hi to a very cute girl. She said hi back. Progress for me in that department. I usually don’t do that. Felt very good about it. I kept eye contact until she smiled, I smiled back and said hi, she did the same.

Sat down, had to study for a bit. I saw some guy who worked there chat up 2 girls, not good looking girls but whatever. He was pretty smooth about it. I don’t think he knew what to do but he opened with nice shoes compliment and it went from there. I was rather impressed. Guy was a bit dorky but wow he had the balls. He talked too much about himself. Overhearing their conversation the girl was from a college down the road from mine. I wanted to come up to them and chat them up, but I felt like another guy coming over after one is gone. I need to stop caring what, where, who did when. After the guy left, I grew a pair and said whatever happens, happens. I came up and asked her about the school. When their spring break was up and when the semester was over. I was nervous and stuttered. Damnit. Still I got up and went over to talk to them. I was nervous as hell.
Mistakes: I think I cared too much of what is she going to think of me, rather than concentrating on the interaction. I didn’t too well in that interaction.

Around 10 pm I decided to go to my college. They were holding a dance party. Those are usually very small. I knew the guy who was doing the music. As I walked up closer to the building I heard techno playing. Great. I started to feel nervous. I don’t know why. I shouldn’t have. I walked in. I knew more then half of those people. Everyone was dancing having a good time. I chatted a few people up, but I just stood there like a bump on a log and watched everyone dance. My instincts told me to go and dance. After a little while I said to myself, that if I don’t get over there and dance I would feel worse then if I make a fool out of myself. I got in there and started dancing. I’m not great dancer but pretty decent. This was one of the first times I danced without any alcohol. It felt refreshing to do it like that. As more I got into having fun, I started to dance with different people, pulling girls into out little circle. I was finally having fun. Towards the end of the night at last song my friend played some slow tune. I pulled in a girl to dance with me who I didn’t know who was sitting by her self. After it was done I introduced myself and we parted ways. It was a good night. I felt great.

Stranger: 0
Cold Approach: 2 (3/100)

Sunday – March 26, 2006

I went to visit an old friend of mine in the afternoon. The day outside was beautiful. Mid 60s, sunny, that fresh smell in the air. After I left his place I stopped off at wal-mart. Made few eye contacts and smiles with girls. That is becoming a bit easier and easier to do, the more I do it. Before I would avoid all eye contact. What a shame.

I live by the beach, maybe 15 minutes away. As I decided to go home, I reminded myself how rewarding it has been when I go to places I usually don’t go to. I turned around and headed for the beach. I had some homework to do so I grabbed some books and headed for a café on the beach. Live music. Great weather, 30 minutes away from the sunset. Sat there studying. Made a few eye contacts. I was going to approach good looking girl, but then I noticed she had 3 kids run up to her. Nope. None for me.

As I sat there studying I noticed a girl looking over my way. I looked at her and smiled. I was surprised how forward she was when she smiled back and came over to my table and introduced herself.

Guys follow when you feel like you rather go home and sit on your ass. Don’t do it. Get up and go somewhere new, even if it means by yourself. Just get out of your comfort circle. It has been very rewarding to me, and I’m sure it will to you.

Anyway we sat there talking about everything and anything for about half hour. Bad part is she was on her spring break and she was 17. OUCH. As we went our separate ways, I said nice meeting you and gave her a hug. 17, haha. OUCH. Call me when you turn 18.

Stranger: 0
Cold Approach: 1 (4/100)

Proved to be a rewarding weekend.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
place to place.
mediocrity is the cause of depression! it's cool bourne that your getting out there and living. it's better to come home every night and write this journal about all the things your doing, then to come to so suave just to whine and complain what's going wrong with your life. there's alot of positive things your doing, that alot of people at this forum wouldn't think twice about. don't give up, you will be rewarded.

the past always has answers to what went wrong. it's the future where you can make things right. good luck


Don Juan
Oct 27, 2004
Reaction score
Good work, I like how unlike some new aspiring DJs, that you actually have the balls to approach and start these conversations, and doing it consistently. Keep us posted


Master Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well done man.

We need more of these type of threads on the forum.

Keep up the great work!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. I don't want to be the guy who just reads this stuff, I want to be the one applying it after reading it.

Well here we go then,

Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday – March 27/28/29, 2006

I’m hoping this will help others as much as it will help me.

Monday 3.27:
Monday was rather uneventful in approaches. But that should not be an excuse. I had plans to go to a bookstore but did not. I slept only for 2 hours, studying for a test all night. Tired as hell. Working out and rest are closely tied together. You must rest. I have to follow my own advice. In one of my classes I chatted up a girl who I say hi to on occasion but never talked to her. Today I initiated a conversation with her and talked about random sh1t. Made her laugh a few times. She has clumsiness thing about her, where she does stuff and trips on things and gets lost in public places, which I find adorable. I busted on her for that. Good times. Another interaction I had where I busted on a girl who is messy and she should clean her room more. It was playful role playing for a few minutes back and forth. What I was trying to do is be more playful, fun and charming in my interactions using things from life and their personality and opening a door to a conversation and playful teasing.

I find the natural approach is the most rewarding. I will try rehearsed techniques of mystery’s stuff just to see how it goes, but I really prefer Senor Fingers and Juggler’s approaches to interaction. I was thinking about buying Mystery’s e-book and Jugglers e-book.

I was invited to hang out with 3 other friends that have been trying to make me hang out with them all semester long. But because of my ex-g/f I never did. Around 8 pm I stepped out of my comfort zone once again and went and had a good time. Talked and hung out with them. It felt great to finally do what I want to do and not feel guilty because of my ex blaming sh1t on me that I don’t make time for her.

Stranger: 0 (1)
Cold Approach: 0 (4/100)

Tuesday 3.28:
Finally had a good night sleep. Well rested and feel like I can take on the world. I believe that waking up and feeling great is very important to a fulfilling day. I want to wake up everyday and take on the moment of the day and take on the world.

I want to change my old habits and my old beliefs into something useful. Actually I’m going to. I realize sh1t will happen and I will feel like crap, but that’s just life. Roller coaster of emotions, but knowing how to deal with it and roll with the punches.

Things to think about and to employ. Approach. Don’t worry if there are any signals or not. Just take a risk and a chance and approach.
During school hours I constantly smile and eye contact girls and sometimes say hi if they hold eye contact with me.

In between classes I went to local starbucks and got myself a coffee. I exchanged a brief eye contact with a really good-looking MILF, around her mid 30’s. As I stood behind her in line I started to think of how could I approach her? I started to get really nervous. My palms started to sweat. I said to myself that if I chicken out I will feel worse and reinforce my negative feeling of not doing what I want. I pulled out a piece of crumpled up paper in my pocket and touched her on the shoulder, as she turned around I said “This crap was on your shoulder”, she smiled and said “Thank you. I have cats and dogs and never know what could be on me.” I said “No problem.” That was so cool, I initiated kino from the get go and created an awesome opener. But, she was next in line and turned around to order her drink. As she was done she turned around and thanked me again. I ordered my drink but she was way gone out the doors by then. I was going to chitchat about her dogs and cats and go from there, because it was so there to initiate a conversation. Regardless, I was proud of myself.
As I left starbucks I felt great for doing what I wanted to do. As I left I complimented a girl on her kick ass purse. It was a bit gay to do that, but I didn’t care what she thought about me. I just wanted to another brief interaction before I left.

Stranger: 0 (1)
Cold Approach: 1 (5/100)

Wednesday 3.29:
Something I wanted to comment on. Some may say here that why is he writing this? Such small steps. Well reason is because I never have done what I’m doing now. On rare occasions I came up to girls and approached them in the past but I can count on my 2 hands in last 6 years that I have done so. That’s about 10 cold approaches in 6-7 year period. I was always nervous as hell, feared rejection like fire. I’m approaching now on consistent basis. I do feel like I am making too small of the steps, maybe I should risk more, but also my experience is limited and I want to be able to climb a hill before I conquer a mountain. I don’t want to have beginners luck.

Should I risk more? Or is what I’m doing ok, I am doing this on consistent basis and will from now on. Each interaction I learn more and fear less. So give me some advice on that. Maybe things I should do more and things I should do less or none at all.

Today was a great day. In class at school, I was extremely social. Interacting with people that I usually don’t. Making jokes, talking about random sh1t. I asked more questions in class. I am usually very quiet. I have an accent and I was always to conscious of saying stuff in a social setting being afraid others will not understand me, but really it was never the case. It was only a problem for the first few years when I came over here. I am overcoming that. Many people said that they love my accent, so why should I be afraid of it. Past experienced have been bad but that was 10 years ago, time to let go of that fear.

During lunch I went to Tropical Smoothies to get some food. Ordered my wrap and sat there waiting for it. Two really good-looking girls walked in and ordered smoothies. I thought to myself this is perfect opportunity and I must do something. So all the stupid sh1t went through my head of what and how I could mess up. Again, I kept reminding myself that even if I say hi is better then saying nothing at all. They were wearing beach outfits underneath their tank tops and shorts. They came over 2 tables away from me and sat down, without hesitation I turned to them and said “You guys going to or coming from the beach?” they said they were going to the beach. I followed up with “You from around here?” they said yes. And that was it, I kind of fvcked up. At least I opened my mouth. Some things I could have done better is be less fidgety and asking open-ended questions as opposed to yes/no. I was glad I opened my mouth. I felt better then I would have if I did nothing. I never want to reinforce negative thinking by not doing what you want to do. It builds up and it will tear you down. Live and learn. I learn from every interaction. Slowly building myself up. So this was my first time trying to open a two set with really good-looking women. This will definitely take time and I will be consistent. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Stranger: 0 (1)
Cold Approach: 1 (6/100)

Weekend I will do more of this. Even if it means I have to go out bymyself to other places. There is no easy way but to go through with it.


New Member
Mar 30, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, I love your posts keep them coming! It is good motivation for me. I can close almost any chick, IF I don't have to approach her. If she is introduced to me I have A Game. If i hav to walk up to a chick I feel I am screwed, even though I have success doing it. I love the run away from your comfert zone theory, kinda drnk now. Keep em coming!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Great reports so far Bourne. The format is good, might consider using some summarizing features after a summary of your approach, so they'll stick out in your mind what was best about the interaction and what you can improve.

  • Sticking point
  • Kino escalation 1(cold)-10(hot)
  • Frame/congruence scale 1(cold)-10(hot)
  • IOIs
  • Progress
  • HB ladder scale
Try taking a line out of the paragraph and use a format like this:

ME: I like your shoes, they look comfortable
HB7: Oh thanks! Yeah I love.
ME: Ya my mom wears by them.

Check out Style's FRs in his book The Game. Short precise and to the point. I know I'll be lumber jacking my FRs to get down to the nitty gritty now that I'm doing more cold approaches weekly. I write about what I felt or said for pages, so I got quite more condensing to do than you already have.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
resilient said:
Great reports so far Bourne. The format is good, might consider using some summarizing features after a summary of your approach, so they'll stick out in your mind what was best about the interaction and what you can improve.

  • Sticking point
  • Kino escalation 1(cold)-10(hot)
  • Frame/congruence scale 1(cold)-10(hot)
  • IOIs
  • Progress
  • HB ladder scale
Try taking a line out of the paragraph and use a format like this:

ME: I like your shoes, they look comfortable
HB7: Oh thanks! Yeah I love.
ME: Ya my mom wears by them.

Check out Style's FRs in his book The Game. Short precise and to the point. I know I'll be lumber jacking my FRs to get down to the nitty gritty now that I'm doing more cold approaches weekly. I write about what I felt or said for pages, so I got quite more condensing to do than you already have.
Thanks man,
can you explain a bit what is a sticking point? Frame/congruence scale 1(cold)-10(hot)? HB ladder scale?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Sticking point would be something you felt through fear. For instance attracted hot chick, established rapport after 3 consecutive IOIs, but couldn't do Mystery's kiss close because fear held you back and you've been trying to get past your kiss close fear with every cold approach you do.

Frame/congruence scale would be how well you were able to control the interaction of the conversation. Were you able to cold read the target and reframe your approach to talk at their level. Did you go into a set with high energy or did you go in with low energy and reject yourself after the opener without stacking routines to get her trust and open up to you. The scale was just an idea to gauge your performance. 10 for me would be pulling solid game: opener, hook, rapport to #close.

Remember communication is 93% non-verbal, 7% verbal. You could be talking about how a school desk is made. Naturally no one would give a crud about a school desk, but if you use body language and tonalty to make it sound interesting, then you've just become interesting. Words are nothing, it's performance via body language, tonalty, personality.

What I learned from sarging last night is that most people will give you the time of the day to talk, they just need to know that you are comfortable in your own skin, confident, body language, and you know how to ask open-ended questions to keep them interested. You have to come across real without an agenda, because women can smell fakeness a mile away. For example: I've tried neging and CF lately with women and I come across as a**hole and not ****y and funny. Totally not my natural playful banter style I've always had before.

It's all in your delivery man. A lot like acting on stage -- which if you took a comedy improv class your game would go up faster.

HB ladder scale. How hot was she? There's a thead on the DJ board the explains the HB ladder ratting. HB10s are diamonds in the rough - almost never found. Just do a search.


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hey good job man I’m doing an approach journal as well and I can definitely relate to a lot of things.

I think me and you gotto learn to accept the nervousness because its only natural. By trying to fight the fear or thinking that its going to mess you up only makes it worst. But good job approaching cause it aint an obstacle to stop.

It’s good that you were dancing at that party especially without alcohol. Alcohol is just a crutch that so many people think they need. I feel that everyone who goes without booze is that much stronger of a person.

I’m going to try and take your advice to going out to places I haven’t been even when solo. I though about it before and every week I check off event Id want to check out but some how the time gets always from me. But flying solo to new places is definitely something I wanna to my life since I really don’t have a social circle.

Anyways keep it up man

After those first couple time it gets a little easier doesn’t it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Friday 3.31.2006

Thanks guys, means alot to me that people are reading this and it makes me push myself harder. I want to give back to this community and I am building up my skills now, so when the time comes I will be able to give out sound advice.

Friday 3.31.2006:

At work:
Went to work. I work for a Digital Photographer; today he was interviewing a new assistant for the office/reception job. She was in her mid 30’s, I came down and she was a HB8. I looked straight at her with almost you could say a seduction eye look. I looked straight into her eyes and introduced myself. She took it very warmly to that. I chatted her up for a brief 10 minutes about where she is from etc. Man, I hope she gets hired, she had the sexiest accent. I work with 2 other people, and only 1 day per week because of school at that job. So asking her for a few drinks out on a weekend will not be a problem.

Went to a house party around 10. I wasn’t feeling good. Old feelings of my ex started to creep up on me. I wasn’t going to sit home. My friend called me and asked if I wanted to hang out for an hour or so at this place. I said yes.

House Party Approach 1:
We were standing around the kitchen. There were maybe 30 people total walking in and out. I didn’t know anyone. Girl walked by and went to the fridge. I was talking to my friend and I told myself there you go, approach. I reached over and touched her shoulder blade on her tattoo.

Me: That’s really cool tattoo, what is it?
HB6: its an atom.
Me: nice, what about those?
We started to talk about her tattoos which she had about 5.
Me: What is your name?
HB6: HB6
Me: Bourne, pleasure to meet you.

I didn’t feel anything there, after we introduced each other she split. I’m also not trying to close yet, I’m just trying to approach and create a lasting conversation.

House Party Approach 2:
Girl was walking by,

HB6: Where is the garbage can?
Me: Somewhere around here … Oh yeah, outside.

She went outside and came back. I touched her on the shoulder and said.

Me: Aren’t you supposed to recycle? You go to BLAH_College, and isn’t your school big on recycling and you are not following the rules. (teasing voice)
HB6: Yeah we are, but I threw a cap away
Me: Good for you, I was about to give you a hard time about not recycling (jokingly)

That was it, she went on her way. Oh well, practice is king.

Other then that I chatted up some people who go to my school. Talked to some guy for about 20 minutes. Fight almost broke out. Talked to couple of other guys about how drunk people always try to ruin the fun.

I’m also doing the bootcamp, starting today.

Sticking Points:
  • More eye contact and louder hellos
  • Stop being fidgety, less hand in pockets, more comfortable being in your skin around people I don’t know, just start introducing myself
  • Smile more
  • Approach using 3s rule
  • More kino. I’ve been doing pretty decent in that department. Before I would think it was offensive to touch girls in playful/friendly matter (arm/hand etc.) But they actually love it.
  • Talk to strangers more, they will build your conversation skills.

DJ BootCamp Week 1: 1/50 Hellos
Cold Approach: 2 (8/100)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Like I told shyryder. Don't be too seriously about appoarching women and turn it into fun. Yes take more risk ( not a risk which can get you killed or anything like getting yourself beat up by a pack of jerks ).

Start working out. Not for the women but for yourself. I feel better working out and getting into shape.

Apporaching 2 women can be even more fun and is like killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Why is this ??
Cold apporaches can be hard because a girl has a b!t(H shield up. She dosen't want to be rape or killed. Also thanks to those Creepy AFC appoaching her it gives her bad memories.
Apporaching 2 women can be easier because their less of a B!t(h shield and she having more fun with her friend being along. Some of my funniest apporaches have been 2 chicks.1 time I appoarched 2 girls and had both of them give me a hug. Fun fun. If you get good you could have 2 girls kissing you and make those haters even more mad. Also even a threesome. :up:

Remember Bourne, ONLY YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR LIFE. ONLY YOU CAN DESTORY YOUR FEARS AND INSURCES. Go out their and ketp those field reports coming.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
I like your journal update format with colors and the tips I gave you. You'll look back it later in awe seeing the progress. You're well on your way man. Keep it up! :up:

The approaches were good at the party. You used some good C+F about her recycling. I think a little playful push to her shoulder with your head c0cked back about not recycling would have been nice kino. I've noticed that tattoo chicks tend to have higher ASD, but you made the effort so that was good.

GL with bootcamp. Remember you're doing it for yourself and not to prove anything to us DJs or anyone else in your life. Just getting better for yourself. No pressure! Have fun along the journey.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Saturday 4.1.2006

Thanks blackdragon. I will risk more. Today was the most I risked and all day I felt like crawling into a ball in my room and not come out. I had the perfect opportunity to do so and an excuse because of my car, but I didn't

Thanks resilient, and thanks for the link on the ladder system.

Saturday 4.1.2006 :

Another day, another step forward.

I woke up at 8 am, I volunteered to do a mural project with a bunch of friends from school.
During afternoon I went to the mall with a friend of mine to grab lunch and unfortunately that was the low point of my day. Didn’t approach, felt like crap and no hi’s. Felt really crappy about that.

To add to that I was planning to go to the beach and my car’s starter died. I have no vehicle now. Renting one tomorrow. Sucks, but its just an inconvenience.

So, my plans for tonight to go out fell through, but I wasn’t going out without a fight. I asked to borrow one of my family members car and around 8 went out by myself for about 3 hours to 3 different places. I had to buy some random sh1t, but my main motivation was to create conversations.

Approach at Mall 1:
I went inside Old Navy to buy some shirts. The place was kind of dead. There were two girls trying on sunglasses. HB7 and HB2. I hesitated for a few minutes, and then I grabbed two different colored shirts and came up to them.

Me: Hi guys, let me get your opinion. Which color shirt matches me? Red or Green?
HB7 started to look at me right in the eyes and back at the shirts.
HB7: well….
Me: what? Is there a system you go by when you choosing a shirt?
HB7: yeah, by color of your eyes.
Me: no kidding
HB7: open your eyes wider
I open my eyes really wide and make a face and they start to laugh
HB7: green
We chit chat about color shirts.
Me: Thanks

And I walk away. I should have maybe stayed in there longer talking, and next time I’m going to try to change topics and create a longer lasting conversation.

Approach at Mall 2:
Went inside a book store. I saw a HB8.5, gorgeous. I wanted to come up and give her a compliment and walk away. I’m still a bit intimidated to do cold approach with hot women. I observed for a bit, then realized she was standing in near proximity of her b/f. Still, should have done something.

Still in a book store I was checking out bargain books. Mid 30’s women HB5 was looking at yoga books

Me: You do yoga and palates? I was thinking about doing something like that but I don’t know any good places here to start with.

From there we chit chat about 5 minutes about yoga, fitness and palates. I felt really nervous today. Could really lead a conversation, I was way to conscious of myself.

Random Conversation Starters:

  1. Went to videogame store. Came up to xbox360 display, tried to start a conversation with a guy on what good videogames to get. Nothing. I don’t think he spoke English.
  2. Went to music/movie store. Initiated a conversation with a clerk.
  3. Went to Books-a-Million. Got myself some coffee and initiated a good and actually intelligent conversation with a girl who works there.

  1. Went to wal-mart after that. Said hi to 3 girls, two of them were in a two set. Two out of 3 responded warmly, 3rd completely rejected me.
  2. Failed to come up and compliment or even say hi to a HB10. Damnit! She even looked back at me twice. Man she was the finest girl I’ve seen yet. She was checking out cameras. I didn’t grow the balls fast enough for that one.

  1. Last store of the night. Went to walk around, saw a girl in DVD section. I came up and mentioned how expensive these DVDs are. 30$ a film. She agreed. I mad a comment about other places with cheaper prices, again she agreed but no comment back or anything else. I had nothing to go on. What I should have done was to tease her for speaking too much. Next time.

It was very eventful night/day. I need to do this more often. Its been 1 week and slowly I’m improving.

Sticking Points:
  • I have to stop waiting for an opportunity to approach and just APPROACH
  • Approach using 3s rule
  • Be more fun and teasing. Stop being so serious and have a playful and charming vibe. Relate to other people and engage in more interesting conversations.
  • Spend more time talking and don’t bail out so soon.

DJ BootCamp Week 1: 5/50 Hellos
Cold Approach: 2 (10/100)


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
I made this little trick up myself. Besides making up a reason not to apporach. Make up a reason to appoarch.

Also be aware of body language.
Crossed arms with a mad face means this girl is mad or upset. ( when apporaching she could react very rude even ignore you. Have your guard up )

If she smiles and give you eye contact even says hi to you first. Then she will 99% of the time react warmly unless she a girl with some serious issues.

Read some stuff on body language so you are more aware. Remember to try to use your hands more when you talk.

You need to learn body language so you can know how to give the I'm joking look also the joking tone of voice.

I don't mind your post being long. It's actually fun to read.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
Are you smiling when you approach the set? You want to bring in high energy, so they'll be enthusiastic to engage you back. Enthusiam is contagious. Use it as your ally in charming the ladies.

Close the convo with "I've got to get back to shopping, but I'd like to get to know you furher, do you have email?" May have to re-word this, but start practicing closing the deal. You'll feel your confidence shoot up! It's the best feeling even if they reject you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
resilient said:
Are you smiling when you approach the set? You want to bring in high energy, so they'll be enthusiastic to engage you back. Enthusiam is contagious. Use it as your ally in charming the ladies.

Close the convo with "I've got to get back to shopping, but I'd like to get to know you furher, do you have email?" May have to re-word this, but start practicing closing the deal. You'll feel your confidence shoot up! It's the best feeling even if they reject you.
You know what, that is true. I am not sure if I'm smiling and I am not paying attention to my body language, like blackdragon said. I will be more aware of those now.

I'm going to try to use that line next time. I have nothing to loose by saying it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2006
Reaction score
Bourne this is great man. I'm really rooting for you and happy you realized to turn your life around. Keep it up bro, it's inspired me to start a similar blog :)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
Sunday 4.2.2006: Reject-o-Rama

Sunday 4.2.2006:

Thanks Potbelly, its been very difficult. Required for me to step out of my comfort zone and put my ego, pride, shame, old beliefs on the line. Which is very good.

I feel that I've improved since my first post back 8 days ago. Even though I don't see it. I know its short period of time, and I will see the most progress in the beginning stages before it slows down, but I can't wait when I can pull/initiate and talk to whoever I want, how I want and not care what they think of me. Being fun and living life to my full potential.


Very eventful day and the weekend I might add. Reject-o-Rama.

At 10 o’clock good friend of mine called me up and invited me to the beach. Perfect. A day of non-stop approaching and such. A group of us went from 12 till about 4. Here is what happened. Only me and my friend went to look for girls, the rest of the group had g/f and stayed by themselves. One thing I noticed a lot of underage girls on the beach, got to watch out.

Approach 1:
Two girls walking, one on cell phone. I walk up and with a smile say hi. They nod and keep on walking.

Approach 2:
Approached 2 girls who were checking us out earlier and I said hi to them. I found them 20 minutes later and came up to say hi.

Me: Hi, any of these guys your b/f?
There were 2 guys with them.

HB6: haha, NO.
Me: I’m Bourne. You?
HB6: HB6
Me: How old are you?
HB6: 19
Me: Well we got to run but I’ll be back.
She smiled

Later on, 20 minutes later. I came back to them bymyself.

Me: Hi, HB6. You from around here?
HB6: yeah, nametown
At that moment seagals started to fly around because her sister was feeding them. I made a comment on the seagals.
Me: So HB6, would you like to get a cup of coffee with me sometime?
HB6: I don’t drink coffee
Me: Lunch?
HB6: I don’t eat
Me: Have a good one.

OUCH. That is the worst rejection I’ve gotten yet. It bothered me a little bit. I didn’t take it personal though, she doesn’t know me and its really her loss.

Approach 3:
Me and a buddy of mine went into water for a swim. This HB8 went in there few minutes later with her parents. She was something. Sexy tattoo on her back, blond, smoking body. We were right next to them. She called her parents retartded and I made a funny comment how not nice she was to her parents, her parents laughed and made very small talk. We left.

10 minutes later my buddy of mine walked over to them and asked her and if the dad wanted to throw some football. Well he went to ask her but the dad came.

Introduction. Small talk, where she from, school, etc, mostly initiated by me. Here comes the worst part. She turns out to be 16. Damn. Very deceiving. She had a tattoo, smoking cigarrets, pierced nipples that we could see through her swim wear. After that it was pretty much down the drain. 10 minutes later we bailed.

Besides that, it was non stop eye contact, smiling like you guys suggested. Which girls responded a bit more warmly then when I didn’t. And also constant hi to girls. I can’t really count how many of them, I lost count at around 8 or 10. As well I started to use the waive and smile and had pretty much all of them waive back and smile when I used that. I like the waive now.

I also stopped off at starbucks and initiated a conversation with 1 girl then pulling 2 other people into our conversation about their favorite drink in there. That was very successful.

It was a very productive day personally, but not socially. Most of the interactions this week required me to swallow my ego and just take it.

Goals for this week:
  • Use the new technique I just read on like you already know the girl or similar to assume the attraction
  • More use of smile and waive
  • Smile
  • Keep approaching. Using opinion openers, environment openers etc.
  • Speak out in class more. Be more social around campus with friends and strangers
  • Keep reading and applying.
  • Small but important. When I approach more then 2 girls, I usually say something like, "How you guys doing?" GUYS? WTF? Use girls, ladies. Suggestions?

DJ BootCamp Week 1: 16/50 Hellos
Cold Approach: 2 (12/100)

Please any suggestions for this week's goals and feedback.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
Good questions. If I saw 2 girls walking to me and they smiled at me. I would say isn't past your bed time or are you 2 sisters ?

I change up my openers depending on the surrodings. Today I did some apporaching myself, thanks to your journal you are making me want to apporach more then ever. I was mad when I couldn't apporach because I was on the job. I never felt like that before. I apporach some girl who smiled at me but when I went to say hi she ignored me.( WTF ? )

Sry back to your 2 girl apporach problem. Here some tips for appoarching 2 girls.

1. Sometimes ignore 1 of the girls. Did that today and made the girl herself talk to me. Plus the girl who being ignored will begin to get a little jealous.

2. Never be a ass kisser. If they act rude, walk away. Have self-respect. If some girl jokes and says something that offense you get a little mad to let her know she can't just walk all over you. Or if she says something with a joking attuide like " you ain't gonna do nuttin " get in her face and say you wanna take this outside with a joking voice.

3. Make the girls be the bad guy. For example this is ****y funny with making a girl win your approve

( I walk up to 2 hb7's )
Me: Sup ladies ?
(Hb 1 and 2 : Not much)
Me: are you 2 like a gang or something you have on the same clothing and think alike
Hb 1 and 2 laugh
Hb 2: no we are just friends
Hb 1: I'm not as mean as she can be sometimes
Me: I don't know, yall could have some more girls around the corner and that will look pretty bad for me to get jump my some girls
(Hb 1 and 2 laugh agian)
Hb 1: no we aren't that mean
Hb 2: it's safe to talk to us

See don't come off trying to win their approve make them win your approve.

4. Pratice, pratice,and pratice some more.

I have a little book on apporaching girls and I read it time to time. Last thing, make sure your reading some of the dj bible everynite or when you get the chance and apply it. Every time you appoarch think ( winners never quit ). Try new ideas out. I learned some tricks by trying them out so you should do the same. Ketp the frield reports coming.