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  1. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Hmm. I think I might go with this, and just give it a go, how can I really lose out? I'll certainly try an organise somewhere diff for lunch on Thursday, maybe something more 'snack-like' so we can actually talk, its hard to have big convos in the uni pub ... lol. And hey, I'd be keen to...
  2. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    We do, at the uni bar, because we only have a 1.5hr slot in our timetables. We have classes together on either side of lunch, but I usually have to stay back later then her. However last week she gave me a lift home in her car. So yeah, I might be in the friends zone, but hey, I'm gonna get...
  3. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Well the thing is we have lunch together every week due to uni schedules, we both have a gap on Thursday afternoons. Certainly she always seems fairly keen for lunch, s at the very least she has some interest, in whatever form that maybe.
  4. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Thanks for another reality check. It's crazy of me to label these girls, what does it matter. Any outcome is positive really. A total rejection is a lesson; an aquaintance friends ladder is a window to new chances; and a date is a good success. I think I need to bite the bullet and just ask...
  5. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Thanks for what is perhaps a harsh, but ultimatly true reality check. In all honesty, I am not purusing this girl because as I said, I just came out of a LTR that was handled in a very afc manner, and I have virtually no female contacts ... I'm keen to build some up, but as I said, if there's...
  6. T

    Numbers about...numbers

    As a transitional AFC, my ratio is probably 1:50 atm. So to counteract that, I am trying to meet as many women as possible for practice, while trying to improve my DJ skills.
  7. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Oh come on lads, I am desperate here :)
  8. T

    Short / Thin / Young -- How Much of a Disadvantage?

    You are totally correct. They are people who get gfs only from talking to them on MSN, or when drunk, or by being a friend for years then declaring their undying love. AFCs... I tend to think your post is where my gut feelings lie on this issue.
  9. T

    Short / Thin / Young -- How Much of a Disadvantage?

    Just wondering this; I am: a) 18 b) quite short, 172cm, so a little below average c) very thin; slender build Now, a I can't change, nor b, but c I can obviously have a crack at improving. However, that won't happen overnight. But what I want to know is, how much of a handicap are...
  10. T

    Advice needed for a transitional AFC > DJ

    Advice Please! LONG POST - Skip to bottom section in bold if not interested in background story (in a nutshell: recovering AFC needs to consoldiate female contacts). Hello, Here's my brief background before we get into things. I am 19 in a few weeks time; during my short life, my...