Search results for query: college/

  1. Solomon

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)

    They don't understand because they can't relate I don't mean it as a insult. I used to view money the same way. But living in a nice condo or apartment can do a major difference for your dating life. Are you buying the condo for women? of course not you buying it to live in a nice area to rest...
  2. Manure Spherian

    What women want? (For women members only)

    The average age of marriage for women in the US is 28 years old.
  3. SW15

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond) A woman who went to a basic state level public university is less likely to be careerist than a woman who went to an elite private college/university. The academic reputation of the university matters. With that said, there are plenty of graduates from public universities who are...
  4. Solomon

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)

    EEEH wrong let's look at the numbers (I cite my sources so you can see I'm not talking out of my ass even though I make 6 figures) 125K places you at the top 5%-25% in America depending on the state(Dallas although is a city is in America so you can include it). The average salary for an...
  5. Rainman4707

    What women want? (For women members only)

    I've been hearing about emotinal investment a lot recently and i agree with you. Men who just spin plates and are afraid of commitment maybe cannot understand emotional investment. I think you talk sense in what you say about your sons LTR. I see a lot of women find their man and start looking...
  6. SW15

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)

    In conventional dating, having an above average annual salary isn't going to mean much. While money tends to matter more in the seduction effort for men 35+ (either pursuing younger women or similarly aged women), it's only around the 95th percentile where the effect becomes more evident. This...
  7. D

    does true love exist?

    You are most certainly sharp and, IMO, have an excellent understanding of seduction. You have been on this forum for 4 years, what are your goals? At some point I would like very much to get feedback from you on some of my work. I think an area where I am particularly strong (and also an area...
  8. SW15

    does true love exist?

    By the early 2000s when I was in college, Gottman's work was discussed in various social science type classes. Gottman is now 81 years old and I believe he's retired. I only remember studying parts of his work in certain classes. It's amazing that Gottman would do that from a psychological...
  9. D

    does true love exist?

    You mention Gottman!!! Gottman is the main guy I am referring to when I say that academia is finally recognizing brain differences between men and women. I have only read overviews of Gottman, not his full books so I don't know if his relationship advice is any good. Gottman DID claim that there...
  10. BeExcellent

    What women want? (For women members only)

    @Rainman4707 Responding to a page of the old lady.... Honestly I think Rollo has a narrow view. I know there exist women who fit that belief/value system, but certainly not all women do. Perhaps Rollo's beliefs reflect his reality and experience as a married man. Some thoughts: His...
  11. SW15

    does true love exist?

    That was the point that Myron and Rollo made. PUA types like Nick Krauser have far more value than academic types like John Gray. John Gottman (a famous relationship psychologist) has had some insights on predicting divorce. From what I know of Gottman's work, I doubt he's ever really delved...
  12. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    You are a very thoughtful guy....I am really glad to have met you. Here are some comments upon your post. When I was young, I actually was naturally Alpha and fairly naturally good with women. I often had the hottest GF around. I was a bad boy...wrestled in high school and became a nasty bar...
  13. SW15

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    I agree with all of this. Few men will naturally be able to figure this out. The guy who gets attractive women in high school or even college is rare. Majority of males struggles through these phases. Many need to make a lot of effort just to get one mediocre girlfriend during these phases. I...
  14. SW15

    How to (Really) Get Girls

    The timing on date scheduling can be a bit challenging. There used to be a school of thought that setting up first dates on a Friday/Saturday night showed that you lacked options because you were giving up a prime time slot to be a new female. Also, it was said that women were likely to reject...
  15. SW15

    How to (Really) Get Girls

    Great set of posts to begin this thread. I'll leave comments in a few places. There are a lot of men who take a lot of rejections early in life (high school and college) and then think that money & career success will change things in the 2nd half of their 20s, 30s, and 40s. In conventional...
  16. J

    About relationships..

    It depends on you and other factors. You can be the "Mr. Right" and a high-value man, but from my experience, a relationship lasts when: - Both partners have a sense of scarcity (such as in college or social circle relationships). - The relationship started in your 20s or earlier. - Her...
  17. B

    How to (Really) Get Girls

    I’ve written long posts before, and my goal here is to write something as definitive and thorough as I possibly can. This forum provided me with resources that helped me develop back in my early high school days, so I’d like to return the favor, hoping that it helps somebody else get their...
  18. D

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Yep. This is why we need systems, game, community and men supporting men. Honestly...and this is coming from a 62 year old man, there is a war against good men who want to become pillars of their communities, fathers, husbands. These goals are so very hard in todays world, and that is why so...
  19. SW15

    Girl taking over a week to respond to a text she initiated!

    Good point. In thinking about it now, I would rather call a landline and speak to a parent in waiting for my teenage crush Christine than deal with the nonsense I've had to deal with during the smartphone era. This is a great point. Opening women in daygame venues is much more difficult with...
  20. Solomon

    5 Predictions For Dating In The Next 10 Years (and Beyond)

    How many guys are making 150K or even 90K a year? If you're making 130K+ a year that puts you in the top 20% for income as a man(149K puts you in the top 5%-10 % depending on the state that you live in). If you are still struggling with women at that point the problem isn't women but you