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  1. G

    Old crush came back into town.. We kissed but she has a boyfriend

    Update on my Situation: So i called her yesterday after it had been a week, we talked for alittle but didnt talk about her boyfriend or what happend. She ends up calling me 3 more times that night. On the last call at 2a.m we she gets kinky on the phone and we end up having phone sex.
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    Old crush came back into town.. We kissed but she has a boyfriend

    alright cool, what i was more wanting to get advice was if i should wait alittle to contact her, or hit her up soon. and should i just talk to her about the situation, or should i try to convince her that she needs to loose her boyfriend
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    Old crush came back into town.. We kissed but she has a boyfriend

    i was thinking that too, should i wait a few days to contact her, or not waste any time?
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    Old crush came back into town.. We kissed but she has a boyfriend

    So this old crush that i had back acouple years ago, came back from where he has been. We have always kept in contact and talked on occasion. So she comes back and has been calling me and wanting to hang out. So we went on a date last night and it went great. At the end we kissed and made out...
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    First Time i Met This Girl She Tells Her Friend And Mine Im Hot

    is it a good thing that her best friend, is talking to my best friend? there not boyfriend/girlfriend, but there semi-serious
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    First Time i Met This Girl She Tells Her Friend And Mine Im Hot

    So i went home this weekend for mothers day, from school for the weekend. My best friend just got done and lives close to me, he has been talking to this girl for acouple months havent done anything physical really (hes AFC) -He calls me and says he is having that girl and her friend come...
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    Ask in Person Or Over A Text..

    you think im friendzoned already? lets say that i am, im not sure if i am or am not, what is a good way to see if i am or am not?
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    Ask in Person Or Over A Text..

    What should i do, i want to ask this girl and her and her roommates want to go get ice cream tomorrow (im asking if the roommates want to come becuase she has been saying i need to meet them and suggested we get ice cream so i can meet them) Should i ask in person tomorrow or over a call or a...
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    Asking This Girl To Come To A Cinco De Mayo Party..??

    yeh, probley a dumb questions to even ask cause i of course should ask her to come. She will probley want to bring her roommates but thats all good, cause all our friends can get to know eachother.
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    Asking This Girl To Come To A Cinco De Mayo Party..??

    So theres this girl im my class, we have interest in each other and went out last thursday. I dont want to get into to much detail about how things are between us. Its not serious yet, but im hoping that things will get more serious. I know that i need to use more kino (even though i have and...
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    becoming more than friends

    Lucky13, i was in a similar situtation about exactly a year ago, i was head over heals for her, i considered her on of my best friends. and i told her i how i felt, it turned into alot of drama, and she lead me on, she made it seem like i had a chance, but the more time went by i realized it...
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    becoming more than friends

    Lucky13, i was in a similar situtation about exactly a year ago, i was head over heals for her, i considered her on of my best friends. and i told her i how i felt, it turned into alot of drama, and she lead me on, she made it seem like i had a chance, but the more time went by i realized it...
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    Went to Lunch, Things Went Well, Now What?

    alright, i was gonna get ice cream with her next week on tuesday, should i ask her on monday when i see her, or tuesday? i liked your advice me on making a move on the 2nd date, cause thats true, if i didnt there would be no difference between me and one of her other friends.
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    Went to Lunch, Things Went Well, Now What?

    lunch was yesterday (thursday)
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    Went to Lunch, Things Went Well, Now What?

    i havent heard from her yet today if shes going home or staying at school, should i send her a text to see what shes doing? or should i just let it go and not contact her
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    Went to Lunch, Things Went Well, Now What?

    I took the girl i have been interested in to lunch today, it went really well and we had a good time, There was good eye contact and kino, and could tell that we both were into eachother. She was gonna go home this weekend to spend time with her family, but my roommates and i are having a party...
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    Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...

    yo thanks for your guys feedback and advice, MotownMack there is kino by both of us and IOI, there is a connection between us. I just need to make sure that it turns into something more before i get friendzoned. As for her friends i think you got it right, that she wants to make sure her...
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    Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...

    yeh i know what you mean, i think thats what im gonna do, should i set it up in advance, or on the fly on saturday? im thinking just call her up saturday and ask. but id like to get your opinion
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    Asked A Girl to Get IceCream, And She Comes Back With This...

    would asking her out to lunch on saturday be coo? i would have her come over and kick it on frida ( we ussually have people over and drink ) but i would rather hang out with her without alcohol. what do you think?