Search results

  1. C

    Being self conscious about your physique

    Fuhk it. You're an alpha. Be proud of your hard work.
  2. C

    Raising Interest Through "Words With Friends"

    How could this work without showing that you're sitting around playing games on your phone?
  3. C

    Life Lesson Learned

    I also have had relationships with strippers. I also have had relationships with strippers. I give them money, they dance for me. If your relationship with a stripper goes beyond that then good luck to ya...
  4. C

    Girl Doesn't Initate Contact

    This type of girl tends to fade if you don't somehow force her to chase. Be interesting. She's probably a good one judging by her behavior.
  5. C

    Bisexual and Bye To the Forum.

    Someone needs to change their password...
  6. C

    Can a relationship/ family work if your gone 180 days throughout the year?

    This job I work at a hotel and am a veteran. I recently had a long conversation with an air Marshall who was a guest at my work. He lived less than 10 miles from the hotel and was there for a reason that I think may help you decide...his wife kicked him out of his house. I'm sure in rare cases...