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  1. S


    In my opinion, a #close isn't really a sign of interest. Whether or not she answers, and sees you afterwards, is the true sign
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    Tips from women

    This weekend I had a very intesting conversation with a woman. Her, a friend, and I were talkign about how to properly use kino (as both my friend and I are pretty lost on the topic), and she brought it to my attention that every move you make when you are interacting with a woman, from...
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    If i could just....

    It's difficult, man. There IS something magical that alcohol does to you to open you up and melt away your inhibitions. However, as a person who recently decided to quit drinking altogether, I've found that socializing is a bit more difficult w/o alcohol, UNTIL you realize that no-one sees YOU...
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    In my opinion, it's all you, man, and you can't really hold it against her for sleeping with some random guy. You pretty much gave her the idea that there WAS no relationship between the two of yo, but you seem to have built up a little world in your head where the two of you are...
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    Dancefloor: How to transition from spaced front-to-front to close-up kino/grinding

    Is there anyone who can point me in the direction of learning HOW to dance? It seems that every time I go out to a club, there's no shortage of women, and no shortage of them who will dance with me. However, whenever I try to "dance" with someone, it usually only lasts a short while, and I can...
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    Ten Commandments of Getting Even

    It's been said that the best revenge is living well.
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    Ever gotten called ****y?.....

    See, the interesting thing I've noticed about women, at least in my personal experiences as of late, has been that if a woman calls you a ****, or says "we're fighting" or says that you're just too damn ****y, you're already 3/4 of the way there. I think that it all boils down to the fact that...
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    Touchy Situation

    Thanks a lot guys. I guess I'll have to leave this one in the LBJF area for now. However, what should I do if SHE initiates anything? I don't know if this will happen, but I can assume that she'll never expect me to initiate, as we've been friends for so long, and I don't really want to...
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    Touchy Situation

    Hello, fellow DJs and DJs in training. Long time reader, first time poster. So my dilemma. I've always been a complete AFC, to the core. The two real relationships I've had have been with headcase-manipulative women, and didn't really help my self-esteem and DJ-ness all that well., so I've...