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  1. D

    Indifference and body language creates attraction

    Pretty sure you read way too much into this interaction
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    Very important part of my game sucks (sex game)

    It honestly doesn't matter what size you are, unless you have a micro-penis. You have to make sure you give her lots of foreplay, make her *** at least once before you stick it in, and if she seems bored then don't be afraid to mix it up! Change positions, grab her hair (near the skull), slap...
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    Why get into an LTR?

    What are the rational benefits of being a part of one? At my age at least, you don't expect to get anything long term out of it (marriage), so you know that there is no ends. You have to spend money and time on someone, which admittedly is not a bad thing if you like the person, but then why not...
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    Need Help

    That's interesting, i've never heard of avoiding for a whole week before... maybe i'll try this next time
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    Need Help

    After the first date I try not to come on too strong, generally I'll initiate texting once every couple of days, just to say watsup or to try to set up another meeting. What would you classify as laying low? How often should you initiate the conversation? What if she initiates?
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    Need Help

    So I've been told by countless people that I'm a good-looking guy, and girls will bertstare me in the streets and at school. I'm shy, so generally i only find girls through friends/activities. Over the past year I've met 3 girls, all of them were stunners (8+/10) and each of them had a ladyboner...