Indifference and body language creates attraction


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
I think this is a light bulb moment for me so will share the story. I would also like if people shared their similar stories of getting a girls interest through body language alone. i.e. little verbal game or kino.

I was waiting at a bus stop in the city where I work on my way home. While there I notice a HB7 holding a ticket for the same bus as me and has the look of one of the girls back at home (generally speaking, not dressed as slutty as big city girls). Still, not really my type and I wasnt interested. We get onto the bus and she is ahead of me so she picks out the last double seat free. As I was following down the isle and realised this, I decided to tell her to move over. I already felt somewhat at ease within the presence of this person from my earlier assumption (even if it turned out wrong) so I figured might as well spend the trip with this person. So she takes her bag off the seat and under her legs and I sit down.

Now I notice that this person is sitting inwards towards where I am sitting (on the outside seat of the bus) instead of facing away and looking out the window. So I mean this person is primed for conversation, its probably hard to get across with text alone but you can always tell when someone is trying to open themselves to conversation. I dont have anxiety talking to girls on the bus and I have done it plenty of times before, but with this one I wasnt that bothered and after only getting 5 hours sleep last night.. I was really really tired. I just didnt have the energy for it, nor was I convinced going in strong, flirty, negging, kino etc would actually work anyway, probably a negative effect by conveying too much interest.

So shes texting, talking and listing to music on her phone the whole way while I do much of nothing. My body language was relaxed but really I was just thinking about the day. About 20min into the journey I lean my elbow on the arm rest on the outside seat to rest my head in my hand, and boy do I start getting drowsy. A few years ago in the same situation I would have pretended to 'play it off' and stay aware because of other people around, but at this stage I just decided ahh **** it im going to sleep for half an hour I dont give a **** about what other people (strangers) think of me anyway. In this semi-dreamlike state I would open my eyes at each stop just to get an idea of where I was and it was at this point I noticed something funny. The girl beside me had stopped texting and listening to music, she had turned herself away from me somewhat and was also asleep. To put this in context this was a daytime bus and no one else was sleeping. I found it amusing that this complete stranger who I have hardly spoken a word too was comfortable enough around me to start mimicking my behavior. Maybe it was nothing but I did find it cute and it raised my interest somewhat. We both stayed asleep for 30min and I began to wonder if other people looked at us would they of just assumed we were possibly a couple/related/friends.

So anyway we both wake up at my stop and my earlier guess was right, she is indeed from my town and this is her stop. We both get off and she starts to walk down the street, end of that unless I chase after her I think to myself. But whatever I pass an atm because I needed to take out money. She stops and turns around coming back down the street towards me and waits 5 feet away from me or so. I presume waiting for someone to pick her up. There was some other smaller cases of her mimicking my body language on the trip not worth mentioning, but considering all the undertone parallels from the journey home it was clear we were both a bit amused. I was relaxed and comfortable around this person and it seems the same message was returned as a result. As I pass her by she is looking right at me so I say 'bye now' with a half smile and she replies with a giggly bye.

I probably could have done alot more.. a lot more, but at the end of the day I was tired as **** and trying to get home. This behavior was unexpected and funny. If I see this person again at the stop I am going to ask them to sleep on me this time and try holding hands and kissing etc while hardly speaking a word.

Instead of gaming a girl I straight up feel asleep in her presence and by being relaxed and putting no effort in at all raised more interest than if I played hard ball.
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Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
All I deciphered from your post is that you are coming up with one excuse after another. Talk to her the next time, 5 hours of sleep is enough. I used to sleep 2-3 hours a day when I had insomnia and I still had enough energy to hit on multiple girls every day.
The point is, take your opportunities when they arise. Don't wait for the girl to fall into your arms and offer you sex. This was obviously a good opportunity, and sure, she had high IL, but since she's the girl she won't be able to approach you the same way you can. What she did was show her IL and make herself available for conversation. You didn't take the chance and now you're sitting in the dark posting on SS about another girl who slipped away from your flimsy grasp.


New Member
Mar 5, 2007
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Pretty sure you read way too much into this interaction


Don Juan
Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
I wasn't going to say anything since in the end I didn't get the girl. But there is truth to this thread.

So as I mentioned in an earlier thread there was this girl that I been talking to for the last three months. And one thing I noticed was I would go to the cafeteria order my food. She would stare at me wanting me to converse. I didn't put much thought, just carried on with my business. After a few times of this, after noticing the indifference she started conversing with me.

I was negging her a bit during our conversation, just trying to be funny. But I was never too focus on talking to her and just focus on doing my thing. And overtime I noticed her interest just grow over time to the point that I knew she wanted me to ask her out even though I had shown 0 interest in her. So I finally ask her out she says yes.

I go AFC afterwards and mess things up, but yes there is definitely merit to being indifferent.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
DragonBlood said:
I think this is a light bulb moment for me so will share the story. I would also like if people shared their similar stories of getting a girls interest through body language alone. i.e. little verbal game or kino.

I was waiting at a bus stop in the city where I work on my way home. While there I notice a HB7 holding a ticket for the same bus as me and has the look of one of the girls back at home (generally speaking, not dressed as slutty as big city girls). Still, not really my type and I wasnt interested. We get onto the bus and she is ahead of me so she picks out the last double seat free. As I was following down the isle and realised this, I decided to tell her to move over. I already felt somewhat at ease within the presence of this person from my earlier assumption (even if it turned out wrong) so I figured might as well spend the trip with this person. So she takes her bag off the seat and under her legs and I sit down.

Now I notice that this person is sitting inwards towards where I am sitting (on the outside seat of the bus) instead of facing away and looking out the window. So I mean this person is primed for conversation, its probably hard to get across with text alone but you can always tell when someone is trying to open themselves to conversation. I dont have anxiety talking to girls on the bus and I have done it plenty of times before, but with this one I wasnt that bothered and after only getting 5 hours sleep last night.. I was really really tired. I just didnt have the energy for it, nor was I convinced going in strong, flirty, negging, kino etc would actually work anyway, probably a negative effect by conveying too much interest.

So shes texting, talking and listing to music on her phone the whole way while I do much of nothing. My body language was relaxed but really I was just thinking about the day. About 20min into the journey I lean my elbow on the arm rest on the outside seat to rest my head in my hand, and boy do I start getting drowsy. A few years ago in the same situation I would have pretended to 'play it off' and stay aware because of other people around, but at this stage I just decided ahh **** it im going to sleep for half an hour I dont give a **** about what other people (strangers) think of me anyway. In this semi-dreamlike state I would open my eyes at each stop just to get an idea of where I was and it was at this point I noticed something funny. The girl beside me had stopped texting and listening to music, she had turned herself away from me somewhat and was also asleep. To put this in context this was a daytime bus and no one else was sleeping. I found it amusing that this complete stranger who I have hardly spoken a word too was comfortable enough around me to start mimicking my behavior. Maybe it was nothing but I did find it cute and it raised my interest somewhat. We both stayed asleep for 30min and I began to wonder if other people looked at us would they of just assumed we were possibly a couple/related/friends.

So anyway we both wake up at my stop and my earlier guess was right, she is indeed from my town and this is her stop. We both get off and she starts to walk down the street, end of that unless I chase after her I think to myself. But whatever I pass an atm because I needed to take out money. She stops and turns around coming back down the street towards me and waits 5 feet away from me or so. I presume waiting for someone to pick her up. There was some other smaller cases of her mimicking my body language on the trip not worth mentioning, but considering all the undertone parallels from the journey home it was clear we were both a bit amused. I was relaxed and comfortable around this person and it seems the same message was returned as a result. As I pass her by she is looking right at me so I say 'bye now' with a half smile and she replies with a giggly bye.

I probably could have done alot more.. a lot more, but at the end of the day I was tired as **** and trying to get home. This behavior was unexpected and funny. If I see this person again at the stop I am going to ask them to sleep on me this time and try holding hands and kissing etc while hardly speaking a word.

Instead of gaming a girl I straight up feel asleep in her presence and by being relaxed and putting no effort in at all raised more interest than if I played hard ball.

I read all of that expecting at least something something significant to happen...

You should be slapped for not number closing her at the end when she followed you....."bye now"...really?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Body language is huge yes, that's why alot of people say kino is so important.

Body language is used for something crazy like 80% of communication. The only problem that alot of this is done unconciously. However if you learnt to understand it, apply it and read it on other people you can guage and create interest much easier.

I also agree with the others, a simple goodbye was weak. There was potential in that situation for more.



Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
so basically you sat on a bus and nothing happened, great field report


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
foreverAFC said:
so basically you sat on a bus and nothing happened, great field report to admit i laughed when i first read it...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
This is all a dream. You're still sleeping on that bus...with that girl beside you about to punch the **** out of you because you won't talk to her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well Im aware the field report is weak but there was a realisation in it that I felt was important enough to post on its own. I said goodbye purely to confirm my suspicions, I could have gone for the number etc but I had no interest in spending time leading on a girl I wasnt interested in.

I dont have any major approach anxiety issues, least of all on the bus. The main thing I want to point out in this thread is that I have opened up girls on the bus before that I was interested in. I would ask questions, let them do the talking, neg, initiate kino and go for the number/date. Basically doing things 'by the book' and taking risks. However the results have been lukewarm for the amount of effort involved. I always put it down to a numbers game so when I see in the same situation that putting in less effort and just showing signs of disinterest actually works, because I could care less about it, it was really just an eye opener for me. Techniques are good but natural presence and taking your time is better. Ive read it before but this instance just convinced me of it.