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  1. P

    Girl-like forearms, help!

    Take a towel and wrap it around a chin up bar. Then just hang. The spongy grip makes it MUCH harder to hold on. Slowly increase the time. The first time you do it your forearms will kill but it's worth it. PDW
  2. P

    What the hell is wrong with me?

    Ryan, you just have to grab yourself by the balls and do it. After you do approach a few times you will get used to it and wonder why you were ever scared. Its good you are reading the DJ bible but in the end it comes down to your own actions. No amount of reading or posting will solve your...
  3. P

    Pre date tip

    This is something I like to do before I go on a date, party, whatever. Sit in a comfortable position. Pay close atention to your breathing and repeate (Breath in) Relax (Breath out) Smile (Breath IN) This moment (Breath out) is a wonderful moment. Do this for 10-15 minutes. This is a very...
  4. P

    Enticing first date options?

    Ice skating is always fun. And if she doesn't know how you get too teach her;) I personaly have done many coffee dates and think action dates like skating, bowling, etc are better and more fun. I was on a date that wasn't going so well. We had lunch and it just didn't have that spark you...
  5. P

    Should I leave a message?

    Messages are bad. After you have been in a relationship a while they are OK. But, in the begining you need to talk to her yourself. Give her another call or two. If you still can't get her, toss the number. I'm out
  6. P

    does she think I'm a wussy?

    JJ Cool L: Give it a shot and see what happens. Even if it doesn't go well, you'll be glad you did. Also, don't get attached yet. Have you spoken to her yet? Do you know what she's like as a person? I know this is hard. Everyone has problems with attachment. But as you improve, you...
  7. P

    Why spirituality is important

    This is just my humble opinion on some of the things said here. First: Buddhists don't worship Ghandi. Ghandi was an Indian man in the early 20th century who protested the British control of India through non-violent means. He did hunger strikes. In fact, he was Hindi. He has nothing to...
  8. P

    whats the WORST REJECTION youve suffered?

    Funniest or most blatant rejection Since what we accept can no longer hurt us, what is everyone's funniest or most obvious rejection? Mine is probably "Why don't you see it and tell me about it." Or that I reminded girl of a racoon after chem lab. Damn those googles! pdw