Search results

  1. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    the CBD you?
  2. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    no need, i'm starting with or without company, i just thought i'd bump this up until wednesday "just in case"
  3. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    Knock Knock. Who’s there? Buddha. Buddha who? Buddha this slice of bread for me. :D
  4. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    heaps of sexy asian girls everywhere man i'm even more motivated to get this bootcamp on. i went out with a couple of mates yesterday and met some of his friends and their friends. i developed a thing for this very sexy asian girl, found her a little isolated and tried to work some charm, but...
  5. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    bump...surely there are some aussies here
  6. N

    AUSTRALIAN Bootcamp!

    Hi everyone, Its about time I got my act together and started this. I've been having some discussions with a friend, and have realised how miserable I am. I'm 23, live in Sydney, never had a girlfriend, never even been on a proper date. Lately I've noticed that I just go through the same...