Search results

  1. B

    Am I in?

    Never heard that expression before, but I am starting to get that feeling too.
  2. B

    What are some of the craziest things women have said to you on a date?

    Not to me, but to a friend of mine. After a first date they go back to her place. She excuses herself, and moments later comes back into the room completely naked and sits down next to him. When he goes to make a move, she says she is not that kind of girl and freaks out, yelling at him and...
  3. B

    Am I in?

    Update: Me: What is your number? Let's see if we can set something up. Like I say in my profile, my ideal first date is you feeding me grapes on a platinum plate in the bathtub followed with a back massage of the finest African oils. You down? Her: Hmmmm sounds good but how about eating...
  4. B

    Am I in?

    What does C&F stand for?
  5. B

    Am I in?

    Talking to this girl on PoF and this is our exchange: Her: Well and in trying to search for a nice guy that can be classy but have a good sense of humor. I can be a goofball at times but at the same time I can be serious. I love to cook and try different types of foods. I want to do and have...
  6. B

    Where to go from here?

    Just an update on this. Kept getting generic responses in my effort to meet up. Like generic enough to make me suspect "catfishing." Nothing since. Next.
  7. B

    3 girls 1 party

  8. B

    Where to go from here?

    Ok I'll start by saying my game has traditionally been terrible to non-existent. By my account, over the years I have blown it and gotten friend zoned with at least 5 very attractive girls that were definite LTR, if not wife, material. I have been trying to work on this lately, starting...