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  1. A

    Are Women More Promiscuous Than Years Ago?

    I guess for PUA's it's a good thing, but I feel sorry for the SOB's who have to marry these wh@res. And a woman's number never goes over 10. Ask the average girl how many guys they've been with? You'll get 5,4,8,7,9. Yeah right, you meant 5 + 10 or 5 x 5. Most girls will never admit...
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    How exactly do you guys do it?

    MisterMcGee is correct. It's his girlfriend. What is she gonna say, I don't wanna have sex in the car? And if that's the case why is she your girlfriend.
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    Would you take your ex-back?

    How long were you broken up? And How many guys? I don't know anybody that would take a chick back after other "guys" have banged her. You may not care who she's been with before you, but a lot of guys care about who comes after them. Yet you've been with her for three years, which...
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    Uncertain What To Do

    You must be deaf, dumb and blind. I'm only playing!! I don't have enough reputation points to say that, but she's obviously interested. I'm thinking that she wants your attention, but not getting it she moved in. OR she's a social freak. If she's a social freak you can usually tell...
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    This is certainly not true...

    What happened to the 80/20 rule? I know they say 20% of people own 80% of the world's wealth OR 80% of a company's sales come from 20% of clients. BUT, I've never heard of the 90/10 rule.
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    The True Mark of a Diamond Player

    Adonis is correct. This does somewhat mimic the law of diminishing returns. If this has NOT worked for you it may be because you weren't interesting enough. Girls do love attention, but what makes the attention you give her different from the attention another guy gives her? Probably nothing...
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    gf with guy friend, i have the urge

    I also think your girl is looking for something bigger and better. If she was really interesting she would eliminate or atleast reduce the men around her. But eliminating men in her social sphere also means eliminating her options. And most women aren't gonna do that unless they feel...
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    *SERIOUS* Erection Problem

    Your member is curved in the wrong direction. If it was curved upward it would be perfect - since a woman's g-spot is upward toward her navel. However to overcome this you would just have to do it doggy style. She'll love it. You're blessed!
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    "if she cheats with you.. she'll cheat on you"

    What is the point of this question? Are you trying to wife her??? She'll never have loyalty to you if she cheats on a dude she's been with for 2 and a half years. Problems or no problems she should break it to him first, then move on to you. However it seems she's playing both sides, and...
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    Kissing bible

    WTF, well which one has actually worked. Tic Tac and Scale kiss seem the most likely to me. You gotta be more subtle. You probably got rejected 100 times, because you didn't build up to it or build an emotional connection first. I think whispering in her ear or tracing your finger on...