This is certainly not true...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I have seen this in this site:

''In fact, nearly 10% of males (alpha males) sleep with 90% of viable females. ''

Now, where does these guys get those things ?

I am honestly very tired of those so called gurus or what talking about evolution, cientific stuff, when they are clearly not qualified to make claims like that.

Honestly, things like that just makes me think that all the rest they wrote is BS.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Most gurus are idiots. Their knowledge of science is more humerous than informative. They think if they read a few books from degree by mail PHDs from borders and then fantasize how that plays out in the real world, one day they will become super PUAS.

If you want to have sex with lots of women it is incredibly simple that starts right this second, not after years of study:

1) Get women alone. The methodology for this varies as comfort levels are different for everyone. But the bottom line is at some point you must get them alone in your car, in nature, at her place, at your place. Somewhere and do it fast! I always have sex within the first two meetings. If it takes three meetings, you've already wasted too much time unless you're lookign for a wife.

2) Don't ever try to figure out if its OK to go for it or not. I always go for it even if I think its a no go, because there have been too many nogos that were gos. Back to (1), if you go for it everytime you'll know within 2 meetings if it's on or off. Time saving strategy and actually makes sex more likely to occur rather than less anyway

3) I always have a few going at once, that way I don't spend too much time microanalyzing details or fretting over "why didn't she answer my call blah blah blah". You are not a mind reader, so don't bother fooling yourself into thinking that you are. I usually have 2-3 going at once so that I don't get overwhelmed and start tripping on people for being demanding. Unfortunately when a lot of women want sex, they expect sex, and they get defensive if I keep putting them off. I think it's good to have some you just sort of talk to occasionally and 2-3 active sex partners.

4) Don't take direspect but don't act with a heavy hand either. I learned this lesson the other day, this lady started to sound rigid but I had faith in humanity so I didn't give her ****. She's ended up being very accomodating. I am going to impregnate her since her hubby is sterile. She actually was worried I would ONS her which is why she sounded rigid. That's why I say don't act with a heavy hand and don't be a mind reader, cuz you don't know even if you think you do (like what happened to me in this example). At the same time, if someone is being overtly disrepectful as a pattern of behavior, I don't tolerate that kind of crap nor do I suggest you should


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
Now, this is practical advice...

What is ONS ?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know if that is the correct figure, but it is certainly true. A small minority of attractive men sleep with the majority of women.

Btw good to see you do not blindly accept whatever your favourite pick up "guru" tells you. I wouldn't trust them to give me accurate scientific information.


Don Juan
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
everywomanshero said:
Most gurus are idiots. Their knowledge of science is more humerous than informative. They think if they read a few books from degree by mail PHDs from borders and then fantasize how that plays out in the real world, one day they will become super PUAS.

If you want to have sex with lots of women it is incredibly simple that starts right this second, not after years of study:

1) Get women alone. The methodology for this varies as comfort levels are different for everyone. But the bottom line is at some point you must get them alone in your car, in nature, at her place, at your place. Somewhere and do it fast! I always have sex within the first two meetings. If it takes three meetings, you've already wasted too much time unless you're lookign for a wife.

2) Don't ever try to figure out if its OK to go for it or not. I always go for it even if I think its a no go, because there have been too many nogos that were gos. Back to (1), if you go for it everytime you'll know within 2 meetings if it's on or off. Time saving strategy and actually makes sex more likely to occur rather than less anyway

3) I always have a few going at once, that way I don't spend too much time microanalyzing details or fretting over "why didn't she answer my call blah blah blah". You are not a mind reader, so don't bother fooling yourself into thinking that you are. I usually have 2-3 going at once so that I don't get overwhelmed and start tripping on people for being demanding. Unfortunately when a lot of women want sex, they expect sex, and they get defensive if I keep putting them off. I think it's good to have some you just sort of talk to occasionally and 2-3 active sex partners.

4) Don't take direspect but don't act with a heavy hand either. I learned this lesson the other day, this lady started to sound rigid but I had faith in humanity so I didn't give her ****. She's ended up being very accomodating. I am going to impregnate her since her hubby is sterile. She actually was worried I would ONS her which is why she sounded rigid. That's why I say don't act with a heavy hand and don't be a mind reader, cuz you don't know even if you think you do (like what happened to me in this example). At the same time, if someone is being overtly disrepectful as a pattern of behavior, I don't tolerate that kind of crap nor do I suggest you should

mean post.. worth a separate thread


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2008
Reaction score
Under the Bed
What happened to the 80/20 rule?

I know they say 20% of people own 80% of the world's wealth OR 80% of a company's sales come from 20% of clients.

BUT, I've never heard of the 90/10 rule.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
don't know if that is the correct figure, but it is certainly true. A small minority of attractive men sleep with the majority of women.
To say something is certainly true you need to show numbers and how you got them. This way it seems that this guy is taking these numbers out from his ... well, you know.
it's hard even to understand what those numbers means.