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  1. L

    Girlfriend losing interest in sex?!

    it's not a case of I'm putting down all the ADVICE... I accept all constructive comments. it's some of the more juvenile responses like there's some black dude's nuts in her, some other guy's turn with her P***y etc.. or people making conclusions as if fact, when they don't actually know the...
  2. L

    Girlfriend losing interest in sex?!

    thanks Sne, that is the kind of constructive advice people are searching for
  3. L

    Girlfriend losing interest in sex?!

    Because some people have to sleep & work This is what my feelings were, and agree with others who are saying maybe I've become too reliable and predictable! I'm still sceptical about what is happening. Thanks to those who have left CONSTRUCTIVE advice, not just decided to use this site to...
  4. L

    Girlfriend losing interest in sex?!

    Hi, haven't been on this site for a long time, but something is recently bugging me with my girlfriend. We've been together almost a year now I think, she's 19 now. Initially, we had a great sex life, we would do it every time we saw each other, which was every few days, and every weekend. We...
  5. L

    More than one girl

    Hi, I don't post often on here, I can usually handle my own problems. I have improved greatly since 1-2 years back, when I was totally AFC. I would just like some advice on how to handle my current situatuion! There's this girl "A" who iv been on a few dates with, she's really into me, i...
  6. L

    fear of approaching: how long did it take u to overcome?

    I remember a quote from a film, I think it was George Clooney in Three Kings "first you do the thing you're sh1t scared of, then afterwards you get the courage to do it"
  7. L

    "I'm Bored"

    Little background - A girl from work (I know what everyone says about girls at work, but it's just a part-time job while I'm a student), have got to know her quite well now. She has a boyfriend of about 2 years, it's fairly serious - they gonna get a house together in the near future. This...
  8. L

    Make a move or not?

    I have a question, just wanting to hear some opinions. Theres a girl I know, me and my best mate have become friends with her and her friend. I'm not in the "friend zone" though - theres always flirting and sexual tension when we are together. This girl's friend has actually told me that the...
  9. L

    The "can you read this for me?" note

    I'm not so sure. While on holiday this year, I saw a badge with something very similar on it, so bought it. One night out I wore it. A few girls asked me wot my badge said, then looked closer and read it. A few laughed, but still most girls thought it was stupid. I got zero success that night...
  10. L

    Any Suggestions guys??

    Cool thanks. I think i'm gonna definitely use your advise to tell her straight!!
  11. L

    Any Suggestions guys??

    Hey, I don't really have a solution to your problem. However, I am in a very similar situation as you were - in that i'm attracted to a girl I am kinda freinds with, but she has a boyfriend. There is lots of sexual tension and flirting between us, and she initiates lots of kino. Plus I have...
  12. L

    seeing girls at work

    I saw a woman from my work for 6 months. We got on great. Eventually, we ended it because she is a LOT older than me, and we knew we wanted different things and it could go no further. After this, because there were never any negative feelings between us, we have remained friends. At the moment...
  13. L

    What To Do Next?

    Maybe it was never a case of her choosing him over me. Maybe he just made a move first!! And fair play to him. Also, I think her being so young, means that she will just go out with someone, for the sake of having a boyfriend. Her best friend is the same!!
  14. L

    What To Do Next?

    There is a girl I really get on with, she's really flirtatious with me. I've known her quite a while, could never really tell if she liked me or not, so I decided it was time to make a move. One night I saw her in a club, I was gonna make a move - then found out she has a new boyfriend. This...
  15. L

    I don't know what to do

    Ye, thats what I suspected deep down - that she likes me in a "cute" way. But I don't think I'm her "puppy dog". When she hugs me I try to seem disinterested. She hugs me - I try not to really hug her back. I don't really know how I reacted when she handkissed my face!! I usually have quite a...
  16. L

    I don't know what to do

    Cool thanks, I think I probably will ask her on a date. this is exactly why I still cant tell if she does like me or not - the signs I get aren't huge! ayone else have an opinion?
  17. L

    I don't know what to do

    Ok, there is a girl I've known for a little while, through my friend scoring with her friend. We seem to get on really well, she is flirty with me, and I try flirt back - even though I am far from being a natural. However, she has always had a thing for another of my friends, they went out a...
  18. L

    Being a DJ will NOT create will meerly keep it, right?

    EXACTLY!! the only girl who iv ever been with is one that showed an interest in me first!! most girls will barely look at me
  19. L

    Girls with long term boyfriends

    maybe, but any girls I do like and get on with all seem to have boyfriends!! Like this girl I met in a club just before easter - got her number, she asks if I want to see her again, so I tell her after easter break. I contact her after the easter break and she says she's seeing someone!! maybe...
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    Girls with long term boyfriends

    There is this hot girl I work with, who I have started to get on with well. I try and be ****y and funny with her, it seems to work. I'm unsure about her interest level, because she has a boyfriend of about 3 years. The other day she even left me a little note while I was on lunch saying she...