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    tips on how to become more patient?

    If she is not talking to you, she is definitely talking to someone else. Spin the plates :rockon: ... Dont be her puppet, let her beg you for a date :cool:
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    G/F Dilema. Bad gut feeling, opinion appricated.

    Thanks for elaborating. Man **** her man! 1. She is not supportive of your goals... 2. She did not communicate with you on change of arrangements for picking her up... 3. She get wasted at a bar, just very sloppy... You two are not on the same page...
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    Why can't girls just say no

    The flakey chicks are with another man...
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    G/F Dilema. Bad gut feeling, opinion appricated.

    Being in a LTR relationship myself... I would say your being to available to her (clingy). Decode her life before that sex decline, what may have her stopped that sex spark that you two had?
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    Hey Guys, I'm new here.

    No gifts on the first date... have conversation with her...
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    gf wont give oral

    "What she wont do for one man, she will do for another". We need a women that down to do the whole 9 yards. If she not your lady I understand, but if she is then there is no excuses!
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    STD from Long Term Girlfriend

    Strap up! Why go to clinic? Do NO oral on her and dont let her do it on you unless you wanna go the next level.
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    My first ever real fking phone number!!

    Congrats. Just keep finding your strengths. Let us know how it goes.
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    STD from Long Term Girlfriend

    This is common sense. She went to Flordia with he girls without you. When girls go on trips together, they do some of the most wild things. These pictures with the other guys? If see really did not want the pictures, why didnt she erase them? Guilt: Her telling about her sister is a...
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    What Do U Say After You Ve Said "hello "

    I have to disagree with you Bobby. The goal is to conversate, not telling long 10 minute stories. Conversation with a female should be 50/50, you getting a vibe from her and she getting a vibe from you. When time is short, get to the point. If there is time, then you can be laid back, even...