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  1. S

    Why do us guys, men, have to be perfect everything in order to get girls?

    But see this is where these PUA methods have so many contradictions. If you are filtered out by the barriers as not self-confident enough to break thru them, you've struck out. But if you DO keep pursuing her, you look needy and then you well....STRIKE OUT.
  2. S

    Is asking for help from guy friends too risky?

    Joverboy doesn't understand my post. if I admit that I suck and things aren't working, my group will see me as the weakest. My that logic, it is embedded into the group dynamic that I am an AFC. Hanv't you heard of the law of labeling? Criminals are labeled as criminals, and will no matter...
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    Is asking for help from guy friends too risky?

    Here is my situation. There are a couple cool guy friends I have across the hall in my apartment. One of them for some odd reason just gets boatloads of women. I think he is actually gay for me (you can tell he is if you have a gaydar) but is also at least somewhat interested in women. He gets...
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    Do You Agree ?

    My take is that you should learn how to type. There's a reason noone but me has responded to this garbage
  5. S

    Can PUA tips be used online?

    ser dude good luck with that : I don't know how to do any of that but plz let me know when you get it done
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    Can PUA tips be used online?

    i did do a search. I typed in pua methods online. Nothing.
  7. S

    Can PUA tips be used online?

    Hey all. I'm in college and I recently started reading up on the art of attracting women and creating chemistry, etc..., so expect me to be posting a lot in here. Knowing what I think it's safe to assume, at least half of the future posters in here know, is it possible, or easy to attract...
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    Campus awareness of male struggles

    Over the years there have been significant changes in the way we view college life and crime or deviant behavior against women that is associated with it. Courses such as campus rape, alcohol, date raping and abusive relationships, just to name a few, are some examples I can come up with that...
  9. S

    Are you afraid of becoming what you hate?

    Iceberg you have the best post by far. Some of the other posts are taking a more black and white approach to it. My strategy involves finding a balance between douchbag and respectful, funny, smart and courteous gentleman. And trust me, if you saw some of the guys I saw in high school and...
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    Are you afraid of becoming what you hate?

    Throughout my journey into the knowledge of how to attract and pick up women, I will begin to notice a change in the type of behavior I will be exhibiting. I mean let's face it, some of this stuff may come natural to me as I progress, but for now it's still new to me, and going against my...
  11. S

    Why can't we laugh and see the humor in all this??

    I agree completely. It's a combination of the media, social norms and conditioning and biological programming that put us perfectly eligible men at such a disadvantage. Then you realize that what you've been doing isn't working. You reach out to different sources that have been "proven" to work...
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    Texting Nightmare

    Overall, I'd have to say that this is all a little ridiculous. I understand not wanting to look needy, but can't we all just be adults instead of playing this Hard to get BS? Don't text or say anything truthful or somewhat emotional, you will look needy. Make it seem like you have a lot of...
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    Texting Nightmare

    Hey all what's up? I'm new to this site and didn't really fully read the rules about repeating threads so sorry if this is a repeat but I really need some advice (and am hoping at least half the responses I get are from successful males who have really crafted their game). I met a girl at a...