Why can't we laugh and see the humor in all this??


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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If we step back and put everything in perspective when it comes to women, dating, and sex... isnt all this sh*t kind of funny? All the seeming complexity, emotions and figuring out, over analyzing.

I don't know, I just think its all really funny and makes me chuckle when I think about it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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yeah going out is a sport for me. I am not getting laid regular but I still have fun going out and testing my game.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2011
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I got to the point where I tried to make myself laugh at how I talked to girls I met. I turned into a live troll and it was hilarious. And it worked. Go figure....

It turned into some of my guy friends telling me they couldn't wait to go out with me because of the hilarious sh!t I said to the girls we met. We all need to have more fun and stop being so serious. Life is too short.


You're right, it is hilarious.

People take things way too seriously. I'm a terrible with women and when I look back on my interactions I can only laugh and cringe with sheer embarrassment. It's brilliant. I'm like the English version of McLovin' and the brilliant part is I couldn't give two sh*ts.

I'm going places career-wise and that's all that matters to me right now. Women/dating is secondary.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
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If it ain't fun then stop playing. ;)

perseverance said:
I'm a terrible with women and when I look back on my interactions I can only laugh and cringe with sheer embarrassment
Haha, I think we all have had moments like that, funny sh!t man.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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perseverance said:
when I look back on my interactions I can only laugh and cringe with sheer embarrassment.

Me too! :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Me too. I am trolling people in real life -loads of fun. Some of the ridiculous sh!t I ve done and said may eventually get me into trouble because a lot of people dont have a sense of humor or think I am plain crazy, well, I say they are f**king boring.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2011
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I guess I've gone in the opposite direction and become more sensitive and empathetic. Rejection is always painful, and I don't feel comfortable getting a laugh out of it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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Alle_Gory said:
Things always seem so easy when you get it and super complicated when you don't.
truth :yes:


Don Juan
Sep 7, 2011
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st_99 said:
If we step back and put everything in perspective when it comes to women, dating, and sex... isnt all this sh*t kind of funny? All the seeming complexity, emotions and figuring out, over analyzing.

I don't know, I just think its all really funny and makes me chuckle when I think about it.
I agree completely. It's a combination of the media, social norms and conditioning and biological programming that put us perfectly eligible men at such a disadvantage. Then you realize that what you've been doing isn't working. You reach out to different sources that have been "proven" to work. After taking it all in, You ask yourself, "Do I really have to do all this, and spend hours memorizing all this crap just get a date at starbucks?"
I often wonder just how people are even getting married sometimes. With all the implied generalization you must embrace (according to many online male self help resources) among so many individual women, it seems impossible to land a reasonably smart and attractive female. I bet if you surveyed all the married men aged 24-40 you'd find maybe 1% that had to resort to this stuff. Society is going to hell. I think we single men should all go on strike and not date or do anything sexual or romantic until awareness is made that this needs to change, which it never will because society doesn't demand it. It's perfectly fine with neglecting the emotional, sexual and romantic needs of young, hardworking, smart, attractive and funny men. Shame on society. SHAME ON YOU!


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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socjim86 said:
I agree completely. It's a combination of the media, social norms and conditioning and biological programming that put us perfectly eligible men at such a disadvantage. Then you realize that what you've been doing isn't working. You reach out to different sources that have been "proven" to work. After taking it all in, You ask yourself, "Do I really have to do all this, and spend hours memorizing all this crap just get a date at starbucks?"


I think we single men should all go on strike and not date or do anything sexual or romantic until awareness is made that this needs to change, which it never will because society doesn't demand it. It's perfectly fine with neglecting the emotional, sexual and romantic needs of young, hardworking, smart, attractive and funny men. Shame on society. SHAME ON YOU!

you agree and then you prove his point exactly.

Are you laughing?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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socjim86 said:
It's a combination of the media, social norms and conditioning and biological programming that put us perfectly eligible men at such a disadvantage.
Biological programming doesn't put you at a disadvantage. Ignoring your instincts puts you at a disadvantage.

After taking it all in, You ask yourself, "Do I really have to do all this, and spend hours memorizing all this crap just get a date at starbucks?"
It's not about getting a date, it's about fixing what's broken so you no longer worry about getting a date, or being successful, or doing what you want to do but are afraid to.

With all the implied generalization you must embrace (according to many online male self help resources) among so many individual women, it seems impossible to land a reasonably smart and attractive female.
Same could be said for men, but we don't put up with that ****. We choose to be what we want to be. I'm sure there's some smart women out there too.

Shame on society. SHAME ON YOU!
Society doesn't give a **** what you think. Society is an abstract concept that doesn't benefit any one individual. It's just an average (weighed average since influential people count for more) of all the thoughts and concepts that people hold at one time.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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DonGorgon said:
cause we are frustrated by lake of sex and too much BS from females..
I would like to see this lake of sex. I only have a regular lake nearby, filled with water.

Victory Unlimited

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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On the Frontlines

I agree that there is a point at which the mental energy spent in successfully winning the War to have POSITIVE interactions with women can become counterproductive. Overemphasis on ANY one thing often causes men to lose their mental and emotional equilibrium. Or, as I always say:

"If you've spend 5 minutes WORRYING about what women are thinking, then you've spent 4 minutes TOO LONG."

However, there is GREAT value and almost "immediate" personal benefit in studying and learning about your subject (women) in order to gain mastery over YOURSELF while you're in their presence. The problem comes when you go from studying to WORRYING-----when you go from fascination, motivation, and inspiration to "get with women' to DESPERATION to get with women no matter what the cost.

THIS is the danger zone that a lot of men fall into, and some NEVER recover. Life is all about balance, of course. And the reason why learning about women and mastering your own behavior around women is SO important is because 99% of all heterosexual men who DO NOT successfully do this are destined for a fall.

You'd be surprised to hear the kind of shyt men tell me that they "put up with" just to keep a woman. Hell...ANY woman, it seems.

Many lose their happiness, their money, their houses, their children, their hopes, their dreams, and EVEN THEIR LIVES due to having a inaccurate, overinflated, and DANGEROUSLY shortsighted view of women.

When you have a moment, and you want to see just how dangerous ignorance of women and how to PROPERLY relate to them can be, increase your knowledge base even further by reading this:

Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

Many men suffer REAL losses because of their ignorance and/or unwillingness to take what the wrong women can do their lives SERIOUSLY.

Much respect to you.



Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
Victory Unlimited said:

I agree that there is a point at which the mental energy spent in successfully winning the War to have POSITIVE interactions with women can become counterproductive. Overemphasis on ANY one thing often causes men to lose their mental and emotional equilibrium. Or, as I always say:

"If you've spend 5 minutes WORRYING about what women are thinking, then you've spent 4 minutes TOO LONG."

However, there is GREAT value and almost "immediate" personal benefit in studying and learning about your subject (women) in order to gain mastery over YOURSELF while you're in their presence. The problem comes when you go from studying to WORRYING-----when you go from fascination, motivation, and inspiration to "get with women' to DESPERATION to get with women no matter what the cost.

THIS is the danger zone that a lot of men fall into, and some NEVER recover. Life is all about balance, of course. And the reason why learning about women and mastering your own behavior around women is SO important is because 99% of all heterosexual men who DO NOT successfully do this are destined for a fall.

Many lose their happiness, their money, their houses, their children, their hopes, their dream, and EVEN THEIR LIVES due to having a inaccurate, overinflated, and DANGEROUSLY shortsighted view of women.

You'd be surprised to hear the kind of shyt men tell me that they "put up with" just to keep a woman. Hell...ANY woman, it seems.

When you have a moment, and you want to see just how dangerous ignorance of women and how to PROPERLY relate to them can be, increase your knowledge base even further by reading this:

Objective: The Man Who Could Cheat Death!

Many men suffer REAL losses because of their ignorance and/or unwillingness to take what the wrong women can do their lives SERIOUSLY.

Much respect to you.

I would agree with all this. I like the part about going from study to worry and desperation then slipping into a counterproductive state that you can stay trapped in.