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  1. H

    why do girls play hot and cold

    So I got this girls number I work with yesterday who I was gettin the vibe she liked me and I text her today askin when shes free to go out and she just responds 'I work all week" and thats all..I tried makin a joke like "ill get you off i can pull some strings" something like that just to be...
  2. H

    Girl I work with..

    yea I know shes single and I think shes interested if I walk by where she is working shell always wave and smile and I dont really know her that well.
  3. H

    Girl I work with..

    Guys does it ever pay to not go for the number right away? theres this girl I work with and I talked with her 3 times already each for longer and longer but I havent gone in for the it ever good to play it cool for a little bit and act like you could careless or should I just go...
  4. H

    what do you older guys think about persistence?

    what is persistence v.s. being annoying and desperate?? I know girls like persistent guys and they test guys to see if they are for real but this girl I went on 2 dates so far and the last one only for a hour because she had class but anyway she tells me shes was busy last week and this week she...
  5. H

    what do you guys think should I keep pursuing?

    aright fellas back to my original question and point of the post haha should I keep pursuing? you think she could still be interested? or would she of chilled the next day?
  6. H

    what do you guys think should I keep pursuing?

    Kailex: I see what your sayin, prolly right, but I dont think it was that bad thats why I wanted to chill again so I could make my move after feelin more comfortable..the first time I meet people im usually feelin them out not jumpin their bones haha..but yea you think Im done with this chick...
  7. H

    what do you guys think should I keep pursuing?

    Evil Muska: Im kinda following you..idk maybe shes playin hard to get? so your sayin she still could be interested? how long should I wait then to contact her again? Boomerick: not really following you..too much friending around? just met this girl and I did throw some sexual vibes out but...
  8. H

    what do you guys think should I keep pursuing?

    So I met this girl one night around town and got her number she seemed real interested..I just met up with her last night and we went for a walk and ended up chillin at her place outside for about an hour and just talking joking around with eachother and from the vibe I got we were both enjoying...
  9. H

    you guys gotta help me out

    what up people, im from upstate new york about an hour and a half from NYC. I used to live in Queens in Whitestone but moved up here when i was like 10. (don't know why we ever did that) im 19 turning 20 in august. so my real problem is that im bored as **** up here. im like in the country...