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    First date ideas

    Bros I'm taking out this cute girl next week, need first date ideas with some kino involved... I'm thinking mini golf?
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    Am I strong enough for bodybuilding?

    I've been doing strength trainin for football the past 3 years but now that I'm done I'm not really familiar with body building kind of routines
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    Am I strong enough for bodybuilding?

    I'm strong but I just want to lift more for aesthetics now
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    Am I strong enough for bodybuilding?

    I was doing a 5x5 program for the past 3 months, I'm eating right and I'm well built but id like a little more size
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    Am I strong enough for bodybuilding?

    What's up guys I'm 17 yrs old and I recently tested my one rep maxes on my prime movers my question is am I strong enough on the basics that I can start doing more bodybuilding type lifting bc right now I'm doing pure strength training. I weigh 170 lbs Squat (back)- 325 Squat (Front)- 275...
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    Ask me Questions

    What's up guys, I've been spinning a couple of plates but to be perfectly honest there's only one that I actually care about and I was wondering if someone could give me some tips about the situation. Basically I went to SAT prep with this girl all summer and we talked a lot, after the class...
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    How to keep interest

    What's up guys, I've been spinning a couple of plates but to be perfectly honest there's only one that I actually care about and I was wondering if someone could give me some tips about the situation. Basically I went to SAT prep with this girl all summer and we talked a lot, after the class...
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    No, and for the most part yeah
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    Rubato's Workout/Diet Journal

    Work some deadlifts into your routine, they work all your muscles and you'll pack on muscle quickly
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    Post your gym motivational music here

    You Aint Got Nothing On Me (Nike football gameday remix) Overtime- Ace Hood Champions- Ron Artest (NBA 2k11 track) Enter Sandman- Metallica
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    I eat like 6-7 times a day, heavy on meats/veggies... Try to avoid carbs and I'm snacking on protein a lot, protein shakes in the morning and before I go to bed.. I've gotten pretty strong/big off this but I want to add some details
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    I'm 16 and I play football, basketball and run track.. I'm about 5'9" 172 lbs I'm more like a block of muscle more than anything so I was wondering how I can add more definition, because my muscle looks formless
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    I go to an all guys school so that's why we talk so much.. How many texts should I reply to then?? I'm in good shape man Im on varsity basketball, football and track
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    I'm a junior in high school and I'm posting this question in here because the high school forums pretty quiet. I've been talking to this girl for about 2 months and the relationship moved pretty quickly... She texted me everyday for about 3 weeks and we talked all day, moved to skyping for...
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    How/When to ask for exclusivity

    I'm probably just gonna do it, I just wanted to break the touch barrier first
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    How/When to ask for exclusivity

    I've been talking to this girl for about 2 months and the relationship moved pretty quickly... She texted me everyday for about 3 weeks and we talked all day, moved to skyping for hours on weekends and we went out for the first time yesterday to the movies, held hands and she was comfortable...
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    Comfort Zone

    yeah i'll just go hard into the kinoing on friday and see how she responds to it.. Thanks for the help bros
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    Comfort Zone

    Naw i meant like stay out of her friend zone, idgaf about approaching her that's not an issue.
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    Comfort Zone

    Nah I've never gamed her before I met her pretty recently... I'm thinking she likes me, but her friend told me she's like that with everybody, so idk but I'm pretty sure she's interested at the very least
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    Comfort Zone

    If a girls been texting you everyday for two straight weeks, there's obviously an interest right? I never initiate the conversation and she's always trying to talk to me, we've been talking long enough that she knows me but not enough to get friend zone, I feel like I'm in some kind of limbo...