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    she's late on her period

    If you want to detox from your Cathaholic addiction try these books: An Encounter with a Prophet - by Clyde A. Lewis The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning - by ERNEST KURTZ The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic...
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    Central chest area ?

    Try a forward leaning dips, all the way downwards, and then all the way upwards while keep leaning forward. For me it works better than any chest exercise.
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    Nice Guys and MTV's Wanna Come in

    The only usefull dating show eppisode I've ever seen was on MTV with some pro NBA player who had some good game going on, the rest is just mind poison.
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    27 and nothing

    I don't know how to help you along at the moment, there is one thing I do notice. This threat shows us how many people are willing to truely help and be patient with another person. This by itself is a beatifull thing. Maybe it means nothing for you, but for others it does. Take care...
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    27 and nothing

    Chancer maybe you should take a different approach. Let me tell you a brief story about myself. When I was about 13 my dad used to wear down me self-esteem with religious parenting, and used to hit me when I was just fooling around. I was close to going crazy because everyone denied what was...
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    Your belief in love?

    Isn't there something missing?: "I want a women to love, and that women who chooses to love me back"? Falling in love is known to be a brain-chemicals in overdrive, nothing wrong with that, but those first couple of months are probably not the best time to get married. Commonly used...
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    Lifeforce Weightlifting Journal

    Hehe :D Double, about the whey, I didn't mean you did anything wrong diet-wise, it's just I spend so much money on whey when it was useless for me, kinda frustrating to find out personally for me. Happy lifting!
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    Need Portable Music Player!

    Maybe this will help you find a good one:
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    I can't belief this! Entire post gone while just about to send it. (changed my name btw from sazuki) I'll probably re-write it if I feel like it, blah...