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  1. S

    How should I ask for a phone number, and what do I do with it?

    You're right guys. I'm sorry, I'm new to this whole thing. I'll be spending a good time reading the stuff here tonight =)
  2. S

    How should I ask for a phone number, and what do I do with it?

    I guess I don't really need her number, when I think about it. You're right - I guess I just assumed I needed it, but in the end I can do fine without it. Eventually, of course, I hope to get it - she's usually online daily, but spends a lot of time away - a phone number could let me reach her...
  3. S

    How should I ask for a phone number, and what do I do with it?

    lol...oh, I have one obstacle to getting her number...she gave me her screen name, can't she just say that I could IM her to make plans or w/e? Or am I over thinking this?
  4. S

    How should I ask for a phone number, and what do I do with it?

    you can just bring it up out of nowhere, i do that sometimes. Like, just going up to her and going, "Hey, what's your Phone Number?" That works? @_@
  5. S

    How should I ask for a phone number, and what do I do with it?

    You might have seen my previous post about getting the same girl a b-day present...anyway, I was just wondering, how exactly does one get a phone number? I'm guessing we should get into a convo about hanging out, and ask her number there - am I right? When I get it, when should I call? I see her...
  6. S

    What's a good Birthday present for a girl you like?

    XD, giving her the Ann Coulter book sounds hilarious. I think she'd get a real kick from that. But is it too much? Maybe if I buy a used copy, it won't look like I spent a ton of money, which if I did I'm sure would freak her out. Mix CD also sounds good, but like Luke!! said, it sounds kinda...
  7. S

    What's a good Birthday present for a girl you like?

    Should I be as brazen as that, as openly romantic as that? Giving a dozen romantic roses sounds great...but am I at a stage with her where thats appropriate? People have raised objections to the idea of me simply getting her a card - I've been told its too sentimental, that it too heavy for this...
  8. S

    What's a good Birthday present for a girl you like?

    Okay, let me give you some background.... She's a casual friend that, only a few weeks ago, I've asked to hang out with me. Before that, our only contact with each other has been the few classes we share - we usually joke around and enjoy each other's company, stuff like that. Anyway, I ask...
  9. S

    Stop Thinking Ahead So Far

    Agreed. Overthinking things increases your nervousness about something perhaps 10 fold. You're so obsessed with the prospect of fudging some little thing up (or rather, fudging every little thing up) that your anxiety compounds and you freak. Having a very loose, general plan is far better, in...
  10. S

    Romanticism: An Obituary

    Excellent, Excellent post. This is the second post I've seen at this forum, and now I'm hooked, if I get to see opinions and discussions like this...